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Psychodrama Australia Perth Campus


Perth Campus

The Perth Campus aims to provide a range of opportunities for experiential learning applying Psychodrama, also referred to as action methods. This collectively includes group leadership, psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training that facilitate on-going, progressive and creative functioning in everyday life, work and community situations.

Psychodrama is a general term that includes the philosophy, theory, and methods developed by Dr JL Moreno (1898-1974) and since then by the Australian Aotearoa and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc (AANZPA) and many organisations and countries throughout the world.

Psychodrama is conducted in groups and has wide application in education, organisational development, community development, health and social justice. This professional development is for anyone who works with others as counsellors, coaches, organisational consultants, team leaders, community service providers, managers, teachers, health professionals, or who are working with individuals or groups in any field.

As well as the full-year Training Program (view Here), workshops for Introduction to Psychodrama and Professional development using Moreno's action methods will be offered from time to time. These will provide Registraion information on this website and are open to those new to psychodrama and any professional people intered in developing more creative reponses to life.s circumstances and more satisfying relationships.

For interest in the Training program, please contact Kevin Franklin or Helen Phelan and see information below.

The AANZPA site has information on the annual conference held in January each year in various cities in Australia and New Zealand. 


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
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Current and Past Events

Current and Past Events

MAY 2021 - Training Weekend No 4

This weekend is part of the  Perth Campus Full Year Training Course 2021

Scope of Workshop Learning includes:

  1. Exploration of the Creative Genius, spontaneity theory related to finding new responses to challenging relationship in family, work or community.
  2. Stages of human development as presented by J.L. Moreno, and others, including aspects of theories such as attachment in relation to psychodrama theory.
  3. Describe the links of spontaneity and creativity with Moreno's stages of human development. 
  4. Explore individual vs systemic perspective of relating and relationships
  5. Review Mapping of social and cultural atom and exploring family systems.
  6. Developing systems thinking and application in family, learning and life settings.
To Register- Contact: Kevin Franklin M 0478 641 763, E 
                             or Helen Phelan M 0407225116 E

Morning and Afternoon Tea Provided. Lunches – bring food to share or access local coffee, food and supermarket nearb

14 May 2021
Fri 14th 6-9pm; Sat 15, 9:30-5pm; Sun 16, 9:30-2pm
22 View Street, North Perth

This full-year training course covers the key aspects that are the basis of psychodrama methods. These include knowledge and skills in psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training. The process of training will enable integration of the theory and practice of the psychodramatic method into your professional practice.

The course will provide opportunities to develop creative responses to your life challenges and relationships and you will develop more spontaneity and new responses to change stuck patterns, enliven your life and tackle new situations in an adequate way. The training covers significant personal development in parallel with professional development and application.

Who is the Course for?

This full-year course is designed for people who work with people. This may be as counsellors, coaches, organisational consultants, team leaders, community group leaders, managers, teachers, or health professionals. Psychodrama training is a post-graduate course and is open to those with a degree, diploma, or equivalence in a relevant field.

We welcome interested newcomers. To be eligible for the course you must have had a minimum of 12 hours experiential work in psychodrama and have an initial interview with the trainer of the Campus.Please contact Trainers for an interview. Helen Phelan Kevin Franklin

The Learning Process


Training is taught through supervised experiential learning processes, supported by reading and written assignments, supervised practice in action, shared learning, and group interaction. The experiential nature and reflective practice of the training will develop your thinking, appropriate new professional-practice approaches, and expand your creative responses in personal expression and relationships.


19 Feb 2021
Fri 19th 6-9pm; Sat 9:30-5pm; Sun 9:30-2pm
22 View Street, North Perth

This session is open to previous trainees wishing to engage in further training in 2021.

We als welcome those who have contacted us, who are interested in joining the training.

This is an opportunity to connect with each other and explore interest and commitment to the full-year training program.

There will be an opportiunity to experience brief psychodrama vingettes and ask questions about psychodrama or the training program.

Please contact Helen Phelan or Kevin Franklin


29 Jan 2021
Fri 6-9pm
22 View Street, North Perth

This workshop seeks to expand our understanding and expression of creativity to enhance our lives and work.

Moreno developed the Canon of Creativity, providing a model toassist us to warm up to and express more creativity, applying it to everyday moments of challenge in life as well as generating a lighter approach to the tasks that may normally tire us, 

He also considered we all have in us the role of "Creative Genius" and can learn to develop and express this energy and imagery within us to shape our worlds of connections, creative decisons and solutions, the making of things and appreciate all creative expression of ourselves and others.

This workshop will bring together many of the aspects of learning over the year and mix them and shape them in creative ways that we can all take forward into our lives.

27 Nov 2020
Fri 27th 6:00pm - 9:00pm; Sat 28th 9:30-4:30; Sun 29th 9:30 - 4:00pm
22 View Street, North Perth

This workshop explores how we can develop the connections and appreciate social dynamics in the group.

An approach of Appreciation of ours and others functioning, values and connections will be explored. We will work with Moreno's concept of sociometry and it's everyday applications. This work links with aspects of group work, warm up and the quality of group interaction.

The work provides the opportunity to explore indivdual expressions and reactions, and encourages the development of new responses and more robust connections with group members. The workshop offers deeper exploration of Tele and our sociometric positions in this group and other social contexts ( The process of applying sociometric questions will also be explored in action.

We will work with themes that emerge from the group.You will have the opportunity to be group member, a protagonist, an auxiliary, a director/producer or small group leader


18 Sep 2020
Fri 18th 5-9; Sat 1-6:30pm; Sun 9:30-4:00
22 View Street, North Perth


This workshop focuses on leading and working with a group, establishing progressive relationships, and working cooperatively in the group,

Developing of roles as spontaneos actors and developing the group contributes, greatly to our culture and beneficial social relationships.

An approach of Appreciation of ours and others functioning and values will be explored, and we will apply Role Training, Social Atom Repair and Sociometry along with other psychodrama techniques that will assist in doing creative and colleageal work,

The work provides the opportunity to explore indivdual expressions and reactions, and encourages the development of new responses and more robust connections with group members.

21 Aug 2020
Fri 21st 6-9; Sat 22nd 9-5; Sun 23rd 9:30-1pm
22 View Street, North Perth


Moreno recognised that we are not only in relationship with one another; we are at the same time influenced by the wider cultural and community system that we are part of.

We know the systems in our world through our own world view and perspectives. What you see and what sense you make of the system, influences the decisions for interventions and engagement.

You are invited to explore the systems in which we work and live through action methods that can develop new perspectives, uncover hidden dynamics and shine a light on the influencing forces. We will use sociodrama and other action methods.


This workshop forms part of the Introductory Psychodrama Training Program 2020. Trainees are encouraged to reflect on a system in the work or life to explore with the group.


For those new to psychodrama, please contact us for a brief pre-workshop interview.



17 Jul 2020
Fri 17th 6:30pm - 9:00pm; Sat 18th 12:30 - 18:00; Sun 19th 9:30 - 4:00pm
22 View Street, North Perth

The psychodrama method is relational and embraces the whole person. He proposed we are always in relationship and he developed role theory and practical appreciation of the dynamics in our relationships through sociometry. How are we drawn to one and not others, how come we may feel rejecting of others? or How is it that we may feel non-committal or neutral, about some people. These patterns and connections can be explored so we can gain new insights and form a ‘map’ of our social relationships. Moreno named the living ‘map’ of our relationships at a point in time as a Social and Cultural Atom.

A key aspect of Moreno's approach is the healing and expansion of our Social and Cultural Atom, the intra and interactive system of roles in our living network. In this workshop you will have the opportunity to explore your own social and cultural atom on paper and/or in action.


This workshop forms part of the Introductory Psychodrama Training Program 2020.


17 Jun 2020
Fri 19th 6:30pm - 9:00pm; Sat 20th 13:00 - 18:30; Sun 21st 9:30 - 4:00pm
22 View Street, North Perth


Due to care in the current health environement - we will not be having the usual workshop at our venue. We will however be providing an online workshop on Sat 28th 10-12, Please contact us direct to arrange connection.

Kevin Franklin   Kevin 0478641763 Helen Phelan  Helen 0407225116 


This workshop is the second in the Full-year Program

A key aspect of Moreno's approach is the healing and expansion of our Social and Cultural Atopm, the inter. intra and interactive system of roles in our living network.In this workshop you will have the opportunity to explore your own social and cultural atom on paper and/or in action.

This work provides new insights into your world and the influences on it and the choices taken, available and developing.

28 Mar 2020

This workshop provides experience of psychodrama in action and learning related to core aspects of the method.

Stages of psychodrama and the five elements are covered and an introductory level given on the techniques of the method, as well as first insights into when and why theey are applied. 

The psychodrama method is relational and embraces the whole person. Moreno's Role theory is essential in understanding child and personal development. In this workshop you will have the opportunity to experience a Role Training session and its elements as a means of understanding role theory and role development, as well as experience the effectiveness in exploring new responses in a situation realted to your life or work.

14 Feb 2020
Fri 14th 6:30pm - 9:00pm; Sat 15th 13:00 - 18:00
22 View Street, North Perth