Perth Campus
The Perth Campus aims to provide a range of opportunities for experiential learning applying Psychodrama, also referred to as action methods. This collectively includes group leadership, psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training that facilitate on-going, progressive and creative functioning in everyday life, work and community situations.
Psychodrama is a general term that includes the philosophy, theory, and methods developed by Dr JL Moreno (1898-1974) and since then by the Australian Aotearoa and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc (AANZPA) and many organisations and countries throughout the world.
Psychodrama is conducted in groups and has wide application in education, organisational development, community development, health and social justice. This professional development is for anyone who works with others as counsellors, coaches, organisational consultants, team leaders, community service providers, managers, teachers, health professionals, or who are working with individuals or groups in any field.
As well as the full-year Training Program, workshops for Introduction to Psychodrama and Professional development using Moreno's action methods will be offered from time to time. These will provide Registraion information on this website and are open to those new to psychodrama and any professional people intered in developing more creative reponses to life.s circumstances and more satisfying relationships.
For interest in the Training program, please contact Kevin Franklin kevfrank@westnet.com.au or Helen Phelan hjphelan@iinet.net.au and see information below.
The AANZPA site AANZPA.org has information on the annual conference held in January each year in various cities in Australia and New Zealand.
Upcoming Events
Current and Past Events
Psychodrama training provides the opportunity to learn how and why action methods work.
This experiential way of working increases our spontaneity and creativity and develops the ability to work with what is emerging in each person and the group. This enhances all aspects of professional and personal life.
Participants will develop abilities to work more creatively with individuals and groups in a range of settings such as health, education, training, community and organisations.
Weekend Workshop 18 & 19 July - Saturday 9:30-4:30pm; Sunday 11:00am - 6:00pm
For further information and registration contact Kaye Keam Email: kayekeam@gmail.com Ph: 9382 2883 Mob: 0418 900 312
Scope of learning:
Psychodrama methods in a 1:1 coaching, counselling or psychotherapy setting. Understand difference between psychodramatic approaches and other common psychoanalytical, psychotherapy and counselling practises.
Action cues, when and how to move into action with assistance of simple props such as the empty chair, cushions and other available objects to expand the experience of the client. Direct a 1:1 enactment.
4 evening workshops: Thurs 9th Thurs 16th Thurs 23rd and Thurs 30th ; 6.30 – 9.30pm
For further information and Registration contact Kaye Keam (08) 93822883 kayekeam@gmail.com
Psychodrama training provides the opportunity to learn how and why action methods work.
This experiential way of working increases our spontaneity and creativity and develops the ability to work with what is emerging in each person and the group. This enhances all aspects of professional and personal life.
Participants will develop abilities to work more creatively with individuals and groups in a range of settings such as health, education, training, community and organisations.
Sat & Sun 20th & 21st Weekend Workshop; Sat: 9.30am – 4.30pm ; Sun 11:00am - 6:00pm
For further information and registration contact Kaye Keam
Email: kayekeam@gmail.com Ph: 9382 2883 Mob: 0418 900 312
Psychodrama training provides the opportunity to learn how and why action methods work.
This experiential way of working increases our spontaneity and creativity and develops the ability to work with what is emerging in each person and the group. This enhances all aspects of professional and personal life.
Participants will develop abilities to work more creatively with individuals and groups in a range of settings such as health, education, training, community and organisations.
Weekend Workshop 16 & 17 May - Saturday 12:15-5:00pm (Registration 12:00); Sunday 11:00am - 6:00pm
For further information and registration contact Kaye Keam
Email: kayekeam@gmail.com Ph: 9382 2883 Mob: 0418 900 312
Scope of learning:
Role Training as an application of Role theory. The purpose and steps taken in a role training session. Co-creatively develop an ability to recognise and name different roles as they emerge during the session. Learn to maximise and concretise healthy and progressive roles which bring enabling solutions to expand our functioning. Opportunities to direct particular aspects of a role training session.
4 evening workshops: Thurs 7th Thurs 14th Thurs 21st and Thurs 28th; 6.30 – 9.30pm
For further information and Registration contact Kaye Keam (08) 93822883 kayekeam@gmail.com
This workshop assists people to awaken and strengthen their abilities. Psychodrama training provides the opportunity to learn how and why action methods & theory works by increasing our spontaneity and creativity.
Sat & Sun 11th & 12th Weekend Workshop; Sat 9.30am – 4.30pm (Registration 9:15am); Sun 11:00am - 6:00pm
For further information and Registration contact Kaye Keam (08) 93822883 kayekeam@gmail.com
Psychodrama Training Program for 2015 - Foundation & Developing Practice Action Training Centre, Perth Campus
Course Outline
Psychodrama is a general term that includes the philosophy, theory, and methods developed by Dr JL Moreno (1889-1974) and since then by the Australian, Aotearoa and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc (AANZPA).
Training in psychodrama which is also referred to as action methods, is conducted in groups in which participants learn the art of group-work leadership. Training supports the development of more satisfying relationships in both personal and professional life.
Trainees participate in a multi-level, co-creative experiential learning process. Its pillars are spontaneity and creativity. Multi-level refers to the wide range of prior educational and life experiences each individual brings to the training group. The co-creative aspect refers to a rich mutual-learning we gain from others throughout the course. Integration of the theory and practice of the psychodramatic method occurs as training progresses.
This collaborative way of learning enables us to function more freely and promotes a greater sense of social connectedness and self-worth. Collaboration increases our ability to reach more of our unique potential as we progress through life with its ongoing challenges. This brings more vitality to our inter-personal world, particularly in relation to those with whom we live, work and play.
Who is the Course for?
This personal and professional development training course is for people who work with others as counsellors, coaches, organisational consultants, team leaders, community service providers, managers, teachers, health professionals, or who are working with individuals and groups in any field. It offers a comprehensive foundation and opportunity to develop skills and abilities that facilitate on-going progressive functioning in everyday life and work situations. We welcome interested new comers and regulars who wish to register for the specified workshops in the calendar of events.
For further information and Registration contact Kaye Keam (08) 93822883 kayekeam@gmail.com
Scope of learning:
Experience the psychodrama method in action including a focus on spontaneity and creativity. Coaching as protagonist, auxiliaries & sharing. Psychodrama techniques; interviewing, self-presentation, soliloquy, aside, mirroring & modelling, doubling, concretisation & maximisation.
4 evening workshops: Thurs 5th Thurs 12th, Thurs 19th,and Thurs 26th ; 6.30 – 9.30pm
For further information and Registration contact Kaye Keam (08) 93822883 kayekeam@gmail.com
Action Learning Centre, Perth Campus of Psychodrama Australia
A one-day orientation workshop introducing new trainees to our 2015 Professional Training & Development Program.
We live and work in a world of systems – family, work, community and organisations. What we see and what sense we make of events and relationships, influences our capacity to respond creatively and how we are impacted. You are invited to explore through action methods, the systems in which you work and live, to assist you to keep your life and creativity.