Event Cost:
Contact Registrar Kaye Keam (08) 93822883 kayekeam@gmail.com
Scope of learning:
During sessions check learning outcomes from above. In addition map the sociomertic structure of group – Criteria for acceptance, rejection & neutrality – Create sociogram in action – Conduct a sociometric measure
4 evening workshops Thurs 3rd Thurs 10th Thurs 17th and Thurs 24th ; 6.30 - 9.30pm
For further information and Registration contact Kaye Keam (08) 93822883 kayekeam@gmail.com
Thursday 3rd September, 2015
Start 6:30 pm
4 evening workshops Thurs 3rd Thurs 10th Thurs 17th and Thurs 24th ; 6.30 - 9.30pm
Loftus Community Centre
99 Loftus Street
Leederville, WA
Kaye Keam
Helen Phelan