Psychodrama Australia Brisbane Campus

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Psychodrama Australia Brisbane Campus
Psychodrama Australia Brisbane Campus

The psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training done by Psychodrama Australia Brisbane Campus is accredited by the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc's (ANZPA's) Board of Examiners.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Psychodrama writing - series of weekend workshops 2024

This series is designed for psychodrama trainees completing a writing task as part of their certification.  These writing tasks are outlined in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual of the Board of Examiners.


10 Aug 2024
10 and 11 August, 26 and 27 October
1A/55 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

This training is the heart of psychodrama training at the Psychodrama Australia Brisbane Campus.  It is open to those new to training through to those preparing for certification with psychodrama's professional association, the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association (AANZPA).

16 Aug 2024
Throughout the year
1A/55 Clarence St, Brisbane

Role training: Role development through Spontaneity and Practice

Role training is an effort to help us perform adequately in future situations. It is a method of learning that aims to bring about a rise in the spontaneity level of an individual and combine this with practice of a new expression.

Making an apparently minor change in an area of our functioning which we recognize as a role or part role, can result in a ripple effect in a larger sphere or system. Role training focuses on the development of one aspect of a role, but has in its larger view the transformation of the groups and culture in which we live.

In this workshop we will review in detail the steps in the role training method and practice the conduct of a session as well as participate as a protagonist. The learning will be experiential and participants can expect to be actively involved in all aspects of this group method.




16 Aug 2024
17 and 18 August 2024
1A, 55 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

These weekends are designed for those who have an interest in this method and want to learn more and for those considering entering the core training program.

You can expect to be introduced to the four specialties of psychodrama; role training, sociodrama, sociometry and psychodrama as group psychotherapy.  It is likely that you will participate in an enactment to recreate a new living moment and perhaps a new solution to life’s vicissitudes.

24 Aug 2024
and Sunday 25 August
1A/55 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

This program is a five day non-residential psychodrama training workshop 16-20 October 2024 with Elizabeth Synnot and Sara Crane. The purpose of this five-day workshop is provide an intensive experiential training opportunity in psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry, role training and general group work.

16 Oct 2024
17/10, 18/10, 19/10, 20/10/2024
1A/55 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

Current and Past Events

Current and Past Events


Summary of Training Program for 2024

Term 1:       February to May 2024

Psychodrama Essentials 24 and 25 February 2024

(Saturday and Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm)

Cost:  $450

Core, Intermediate and Advanced Training Program

Year long Program with 9 weekend workshops plus 5 day intensive workshop,  This includes 9 Supervision evening sessions and access to 4 supervised writing sessions.

                                                Total cost for the year:  $3,300

            Pre-training interviews:         between 5-23 February 2024                   

Theme for term 1:      Psychodrama with a focus on Social and Cultural Atom.

Weekend workshops    -16 and 17 March 2024

                                                                                    -20 and 21 April 2024

                                                                                    -18 and 19 May 2024

Timing: Sat 12.00 - 6.00pm and Sun 9.00am to 1.00pm

Plus Supervision evenings       -15 March 2024

                                                -19 April 2024

                                                -17 May 2024

Timing:  Friday nights 6.30 - 8.30pm

Psychodrama Writing Workshop:           23 and 24 March 2024

                                                                        25 and 26 May 2024

Timing: 10.00am to 2.00pm


Term 2:       June to August 2024

Core, Intermediate and Advanced Program

Theme for Term 2:  Psychodrama specialties:  psychodrama, sociometry, role

training and sociodrama                                

                                               Weekend workshops      -15 and 16 June 2024

                                                                                    -13 and 14 July 2024

Timing: Sat 12.00 – 6.00pm and Sun 9.00am to 1.00pm

                                                Plus 2 day and one evening workshop   -16 to 18 August 2024

Note: essential component of Core plus open to other interested participants (cost to be advised for people not enrolled in Core)

                                                Timing:             to be advised

Plus Supervision evenings – 14 June, 12 July 2024

Timing: Fri nights 6.30 - 8.30pm

Psychodrama Writing Workshop:         10 and 11 August 2024

Timing: 10.00am to 2.00pm


Term 3:       September to November 2024

Psychodrama Essentials 24 and 25 August 2024

(Saturday and Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm)

Cost:  $450

Core, Intermediate and Advanced Program

Theme for Term 3:     Group Work and Psychodrama

                                                  Weekend workshops   -14 and 15 September 2024

                                                                                    -16 and 17 November 2024

Timing: Sat 12.00 – 6.00pm and Sun 9.00am to 1.00pm

Plus 5 day Group Work and Psychodrama Workshop

                                    16 to 20 October 2024

Timing: 10.00am to 8.00pm daily, except Sun 10.00am to 4.00pm

Note: essential component of Core plus open to other interested participants (Cost to people not enrolled in Core $1070)

Plus Supervision evening - 13 September,15 November 2024

Timing:            Fri nights 6.30 - 8.30pm

5 day Group Work and Psychodrama: 16 to 20 October 2024

Timing: 10.00am to 8.00pm daily, except Sun 10.00am to 4.00pm

Note: essential component of Core plus open to other interested participants

Cost:  $1070 (for people not enrolled in Core)


Psychodrama Writing Workshop:         26 and 27 October 2024

Timing: 10.00am to 2.00pm


24 Feb 2024
Timing and dates differ for each program
1A/55 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

These weekends are designed for those who have an interest in this method and want to learn more and for those considering entering the core training program.

You can expect to be introduced to the four specialties of psychodrama; role training, sociodrama, sociometry and psychodrama as group psychotherapy.  It is likely that you will participate in an enactment to recreate a new living moment and perhaps a new solution to life’s vicissitudes.


Dates and times

Times: 10 am – 4 pm on Saturday 24 February and Sunday 25 February at 1A, 55 Clarence Street, Coorparoo.

24 Feb 2024
25th February 2024
1A, 55 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane


The Relevance of Sociometry to our Experiences in Groups.

Sociometry has at its core a vision of cohesive groups, interpersonal mutuality and a stable society. Sociometry guides us to explore the psycho-social networks and deeper or hidden structures that affect the groups in which we live and work. The feeling nature of the informal, personal and often invisible systems is an exciting yet threatening field of exploration but the integration of the formal and informal fields can be exceptionally important to the success of a stable, cohesive and productive group.

In this workshop we will explore the sociometric factors that are at play in our groups both in the immediate here-and-now group, as well as other significant groups both past and current. We will be seeking to develop our ability to be the initiators of greater mutuality in relationships and leaders of cohesive groups.

 Dates and Times:  Friday 21 April from 6.30-8.30pm 

                               Saturday 22 April from 10.00am to 5.30pm

                               Sunday 23 April from 10.00am to 4.00pm

21 Apr 2023
21 April (6.30-8.30pm), 22 April (10.00am to 5.30pm) and 23 April (10.00am to 4.00pm)
1A, 55Clarence St, Brisbane

Psychodrama writing - series of Sunday workshops 2021

This series is designed for psychodrama trainees completing a writing task as part of their certification.  These writing tasks are outlined in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual of the Board of Examiners.


9 May 2021
25 July and 12 September 2021
45 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

Psychodrama writing - series of Sunday workshops 2021

This series is designed for psychodrama trainees completing a writing task as part of their certification.  These writing tasks are outlined in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual of the Board of Examiners.


7 Mar 2021
9/5/2021, 25/7/2021, 12/9/2021
45 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

These weekends are designed for those who have an interest in this method and want to learn more and for those considering entering the core training program.

You can expect to be introduced to the four specialties of psychodrama; role training, sociodrama, sociometry and psychodrama as group psychotherapy.  It is likely that you will participate in an enactment to recreate a new living moment and perhaps a new solution to life’s vicissitudes.

Dates and times

Times: 10 am – 4 pm on Saturday 12 September and Sunday 13 September at 45 Clarence Street, Coorparoo

12 Sep 2020
13 September 2019
45 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

Hilde and I have reconfigured the Creativity and Life of the Imagination workshop, to now run online in real time from the evening of Friday 26th June through to Sunday 28th Jun (the weekend when we were going to be in Brisbane). More information is available at:

We are keeping numbers small, and making it open to people who have some AANZPA training, so that we can maximise the opportunity for meaningful engagement.



27 Jun 2020
9.30am - 5.00pm on 27 and 28 June 2020
45 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane

These writing days are for psychodrama trainees who are wanting a cooperative environment to progress their writing. Each one will include a short training input session and time to do some writing.

11 Nov 2018
45 Clarence St, Brisbane

This program is a five day non residential psychodrama training workshop 18 - 22 October with Sara Crane and Elizabeth Synnot. The purpose of this five-day workshop is opportunity for intensive experiential training in psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry, role training and general group work.

10 Oct 2018
45 Clarence St, Brisbane

These writing days are for psychodrama trainees who are wanting a cooperative environment to progress their writing. Each one will include a short training input session and time to do some writing.

7 Oct 2018
45 Clarence St, Brisbane