2014 Core Psychodrama Training Group
Core Psychodrama Training Brisbane 2014Core psychodrama training in Brisbane gets underway in 2014 on the 1st March. Participants actively develop themselves as a psychodramatist and group leader using the experiential learning method of psychodrama. The helping professions: mental health, psychotherapy, family therapy, community and organisational development, group leadership, counselling, pastoral care, allied health and other people centred professions, can immediately use elements of what is learnt in core training in their work.
If you are keen to experience the training method before making the commitment to the year long program then please consider enrolling in Psychodrama Essentials - A short course in Understanding People running 7/8 December 2013. Contact Diz Synnot on 0411 876 969 where you can phone or text her. All trainees enrolling in this program are to make a time with Peter to discuss your purpose and begin creating a learning contract for the year.
The Training
Psychodrama training operates on an ongoing cycle with trainees enrolling and committing to one year of training at a time. This experiential training uses a graduated and recursive learning cycle to integrate your development as a psychodramatist in your professional practice and larger life. By the end of the year you will have expanded your professional competence. Along the way, you will do personal work that emerges in connection with your professional development. At times the training will be an intense and life changing experience with flow-on impacts to the rest of your life.
The Core Psychodrama Training program in 2014 is being run by Diz Synnot. After completing the first day of the core program you will be asked to make a commitment to attending throughout the program. Full attendance enables the group's development as a training cohort committed to each others progress. Participants commit to being trainees for the year long program of about 118 hours.There are other requirements relating to reading and reflective journalling.
Group functioning and group leadership
Good group leadership is essential for good group functioning. Being a psychodramatist requires being a capable group leader. You will be encouraged to experiment with a wide range of responses to group concerns and group leadership. You will take leadership and engage with others cooperatively in a wide variety of ways. You will learn ways to recognise both individual and group progress and development. In doing so, you will learn a great deal about yourself and how you function in groups with others. You will learn how to maintain adequate thought, feeling and action in familiar as well as novel times.
Weekend participation in Psychodrama Essentials program
This year, 2014, participants in their first or second year will be requested to attend two of the four psychodrama essentials programs running during the year. You are welcome to attend more if your time permits.This feature of the program will allow you to reflect on what you have learned and will enrich your development. Participants with more than two years training are welcome also.
Reflective learning practices: reading, writing and discussion
Written reflection and written tasks form an indispensable part of the curriculum. Writing that is based on your experience is a powerful integrative process providing a mirror for developing your own ideas and understanding from experiences. When coupled with reading you also place yourself with your colleagues and leaders in the field. There will be some handouts and texts as part of the core curriculum. Expect an hour between core sessions on these and related tasks.
Please call Diz on 0411 876 969 if you have any queries and questions as regards this program or the work done here generally and please browse our Frequently Asked Questions.
In Core training you will:
- Be coached and supervised. The focus will be on your unique learning and encouraging you to extend yourself. Supervision often takes the form of coaching you in the moment as you practice. Supervision is tailored to you and enables you to recognise and consolidate previous learning. All trainees using this method in their work are required to have regular 1:1 supervision sessions with Peter, or another member of the Moreno Collegium staff.
- Integrate theory with action via practice, supervision, report writing and forming a peer group. Theory is taught as themes emerge in the group and as the curriculum unfolds. Spontaneity theory, role theory, sociometry and group dynamics will be the foci.
- Produce enactments and expand your other group leadership and membership capabilites. You will integrate the use of psychodrama production techniques. You will experiment with a wide range of group interventions techniques and processes.
- Expand you professional identity. You will find ways to extend what you already know and do, and at the same time find overlaps and congruencies with psychodrama. This will assist you in experimenting in applying this method in appropriate ways in your work and community environments.
- Experience being part of the educational arm of a respected professional body, ANZPA. You will appreciate the comprehensive training standards set by the ANZPA Board of Examiners, and experience the alignment of the training curriculum, and the training itself, with this considerable body of wisdom and knowledge.
Dates and times
The 2014 Core Training program will be run on a four semester basis on a series of four Wednesday evenings and weekends at the beginning and end of each semester. The weekends run Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings. This is designed to give families and working people time to work and time to play and be with their families and prepare get ready for work.
Dates and times for 2014
Semester 1
Saturday/Sunday 1 & 2 March Sat 1.00 pm – 6.30 pm & Sun 9.30 am – 12.30 am
Wednesday 5, 12, 19, 26, March 6.30 – 9.30
Saturday/Sunday 5 & 6 April Sat 1.00 pm – 6.30 pm & Sun 9.30 am – 12.30 am
Semester 2
Saturday/Sunday 3 & 4 May Sat 1.00 pm – 6.30 pm & Sun 9.30 am – 12.30 am
Wednesday 7, 14, 21, 28, May 6.30 – 9.30
Saturday/Sunday 31/5 May & 1/6 June Sat 1.00 pm – 6.30 pm & Sun 9.30 am – 12.30 am
Semester 3
Saturday/Sunday 2 & 3 August Sat 1.00 pm – 6.30 pm & Sun 9.30 am – 12.30 am
Wednesday 6, 13, 20, 27, August 6.30 – 9.30
Saturday/Sunday 30 & 31 August Sat 1.00 pm – 6.30 pm & Sun 9.30 am – 12.30 am
Semester 4
Saturday/Sunday 4 & 5 October Sat 1.00 pm – 6.30 pm & Sun 9.30 am – 12.30 am
Wednesday 8, 22, 29 October, 5 November 6.30 – 9.30
Saturday/Sunday 8 & 9 November Sat 1.00 pm – 6.30 pm & Sun 9.30 am – 12.30 am
Moreno Collegium, 45 Clarence St, Coorparoo, Brisbane
Fee for the year for CORE TRAINING is $1,950 including GST
It is our policy to only accept people for training who are up to date with previous fees and have pre-paid for this training, or who have come to other arrangements with Elizabeth or Peter.
Contact Diz Synnot on 0411 876 969 and organise an interview with her prior to the commencement of the program.To enroll, please email Diz with the following details: name, address, phone (including mobile) and best times to call, and whom to address the invoice to.
About Diz Synnot
Elizabeth Synnot (Diz) is a Trainer, Educator and Practitioner in training. She is a sociodrama practitioner applying Moreno's approach as the basis of her work with individuals, families, and organisations. Elizabeth is an experienced organisational consultant, leadership developer and family therapist. She has been co-leading the Core, Intermediate and Advanced training programs in Brisbane for nearly 20 years. Elizabeth has been expanding her practice in family, leadership and team development. She gives and receives supervision and training in this method.
Call her on 0411 876 969 if you have any queries and questions as regards the work done here generally and please browse our Frequently Asked Questions.
The training run though the Moreno Collegium is accredited through the Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc (ANZPA). For further details either click on the logo below or go to their website at aanzpa.org. If you have further questions about psychodrama or psychodrama training you could 1) Send us a general enquiry or question through our emaail by clicking here; 2) Browse our Frequently Asked Questions 3) or contact Diz directly on 0411 876 969.