Perth Campus
The Perth Campus aims to provide a range of opportunities for experiential learning applying Psychodrama, also referred to as action methods. This collectively includes group leadership, psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training that facilitate on-going, progressive and creative functioning in everyday life, work and community situations.
Psychodrama is a general term that includes the philosophy, theory, and methods developed by Dr JL Moreno (1898-1974) and since then by the Australian Aotearoa and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc (AANZPA) and many organisations and countries throughout the world.
Psychodrama is conducted in groups and has wide application in education, organisational development, community development, health and social justice. This professional development is for anyone who works with others as counsellors, coaches, organisational consultants, team leaders, community service providers, managers, teachers, health professionals, or who are working with individuals or groups in any field.
As well as the full-year Training Program, workshops for Introduction to Psychodrama and Professional development using Moreno's action methods will be offered from time to time. These will provide Registraion information on this website and are open to those new to psychodrama and any professional people intered in developing more creative reponses to life.s circumstances and more satisfying relationships.
For interest in the Training program, please contact Kevin Franklin kevfrank@westnet.com.au or Helen Phelan hjphelan@iinet.net.au and see information below.
The AANZPA site AANZPA.org has information on the annual conference held in January each year in various cities in Australia and New Zealand.
Upcoming Events
Current and Past Events
Explore psychodrama and experience more creative responses in your life and work!
Hello - You are invited to explore the action and creativity of psychodrama.
Open to trainees and those new to psychodrama - Curious? The best way to find out about psychodrama s to experience it - come and join us!
Psychodrama is an active and enlivening method which aims to increase spontaneity, strengthen relationships, and build community.
At its heart, psychodrama values authenticity and imagination, and provides opportunities to be free of repetition, and enhancing growth and self-reliance. On the psychodrama stage our relationship with our self, and with others can be revised and enriched so we may feel connected to the universe again. Entering our own and each other’s worlds with a spirit of play, experimentation, and generosity we will use the truth and magic of the psychodramatic method to ignite spontaneity and revive our creative spirit.
This one-day taster in Psychodrama is conducted by experienced group practitioners. Please feel free to forward the invitation to others who may be interested.
Interested in psychodrama? Join us for this introductory session to experience psychodrama and learn about its basis in creativity and spontaneity.
You will have the opprtunity to explore psychodrama, bring out your creative spirit, and get brief information on the theory and opportunities for further workshops.
Psychodrama is an action-based and group method, recognising the value of play, humour and creativity in healing and exploring our individual growth, in finding news ways to enhance relationships and build on our social connections.
This work is based on the work of J. L. Moreno and is used in leadership, coaching. and therapeutic work in many settings. It is valued internationall in contexts such as education, health, community, organisational development and anywhere where working with people is key to achieving beneficial outcomes.
Spontaneity – living in the present
Jacob Moreno created psychodrama to expand our capacity to be spontaneous beings. In doing so, we creatively express ourselves and progresses in our lives. This orientation is unique to psychodrama methodology.
This experiential method brings life into psychotherapeutic, educational, community and organisational settings.
When we ‘live in the moment’ we are truly creative beings. In a familiar situation, the challenge is to approach such familiarity with freshness and vitality. In a new situation, the challenge is to respond to the unknown with vitality that serves the situation. The phrase, ‘a new response in an old situation and an adequate response in a new situation’ is often quoted in psychodrama. Adequacy here means freshness and vitality in that context.
Participants in this workshop can expect to revitalise themselves as group members, auxiliaries in dramas, as protagonists and as directors of dramas. You will also expand your understanding of what Moreno means by spontaneity as you engage in this recursive experiential learning experience.
You are invited to share in this enlivening psychodrama workshop, led by Elizabeth Synnot, a psychodrama Trainer and Director of Training in Brisbane.
The workshop is open to people who have some esperience with psychodrama as well current Trainees.
For further details and Registration please Contact Helen Phelan hjphelan@iinet.net.au Pleaase Register Early.
Explore psychodrama and experience more creative responses in your life and work!
Hello - You are invited to explore the action and creativity of psychodrama.
Psychodrama is an active and enlivening method which aims to increase spontaneity, strengthen relationships, and build community.
At its heart, psychodrama values authenticity and imagination, and provides opportunities to be free of repetition, and enhancing growth and self-reliance. On the psychodrama stage our relationship with our self, and with others can be revised and enriched so we may feel connected to the universe again. Entering our own and each other’s worlds with a spirit of play, experimentation, and generosity we will use the truth and magic of the psychodramatic method to ignite spontaneity and revive our creative spirit.
Open to trainees and those new to psychodrama to experience the method and to explore possibilities of application in many professional and life situations. Topics emerging from the group can be explored.
Curious? The best way to find out is to experience it - come and join us.
If you're a professional educator, manager, HR / organisational change agent, counsellor, teacher, facilitator, psychotherapist, social worker, trainer, or related creative arts, you will find this workshop of benefit.
This one-day taster in Psychodrama is conducted by experienced group practitioners. Please feel free to forward the invitation to others who may be interested.
Moreno recognised that we are not only in relationship with one another; we are at the same time influencing and influenced by, the wider cultural and community systems that we are part of. We live and work in a variety of systems, from family systems, organisational systems, community, national and international systems.
We know the systems in our world through our own world view and perspectives. What you see, and what sense you make of the system, influences the decisions for interventions and engagement.
You are invited to explore the systems in which we work and live through action methods that can develop new perspectives, uncover hidden dynamics and shine a light on the influencing forces and the choice points of tapping into the hope in the system.
Using sociodrama, sociometry and other action methods, together we will:
- Appreciate the social and cultural ‘map’ of the systems and the expectations that this may generate
- Experience and appreciate the relationships within the system, the dynamics operating, and participants’ individual roles and areas of influence.
- Explore the values and belief systems that assist in keeping the system vital and alive to respond to the changing environment or hold it back.
- Further develop the roles of social investigator, systems analyst and wise guide to creatively explore interventions, expansions, visions and actions emerging in the system.
For new participants, who are not yet formal Trainees, please contact us for a pre-workshop interview.
The workshop includes a processing Session for Trainees on Sunday starting 4:30 after the workshop. Cost $50 - Venue:same as wrokshop.
Psychodrama: Applied Creativity in Life and Work
Explore psychodrama and experience more creative responses in your life and work!
Hello - You are invited to explore the action and creativity of psychodrama.
Psychodrama is an active and enlivening method which aims to increase spontaneity, strengthen relationships, and build community.
At its heart, psychodrama values authenticity and imagination, and provides opportunities to be free of repetition, and enhancing growth and self-reliance. On the psychodrama stage our relationship with our self, and with others can be revised and enriched so we may feel connected to the universe again. Entering our own and each other’s worlds with a spirit of play, experimentation, and generosity we will use the truth and magic of the psychodramatic method to ignite spontaneity and revive our creative spirit.
Open to trainees and those new to psychodrama to experience the method and to explore possibilities of application in many professional and life situations. Topics emerging from the group can be explored.
Curious? The best way to find out is to experience it - come and join us.
If you're a professional educator, manager, HR / organisational change agent, counsellor, teacher, facilitator, psychotherapist, social worker, trainer, or related creative arts, you will find this workshop of benefit.
This one-day taster in Psychodrama is conducted by experienced group practitioners. Please feel free to forward the invitation to others who may be interested.
Sociometry, Systems and Group Dynamics
J.L.Moreno deveoped sociometry to assist in explaining interrelational dynamics. This is most helpful in mapping our experiences of group dynmamics and assists in developing interventions to benefit group funtioning. With Sociometry, Moreno adds to our understanding and appreciation of our subjective experience in groups, and provides several tools for us to 'see' the dynamics, the connections, and who is relating to whom. It assists us to be aware and alert to what our criteria might be when we choose or don't choose; on what basis we feel drawn to some people and not to others.
Sociometry linked with psychodrama principles provides avenues for seeing and healing the sociometry in groups and relationships.
Aspects to be explored in theis workshop includes:
1. Sociometric view of the structure of a system – inclusions/exclusions;
2. Basic elements of sociometry; tele, networks, star, leader, isolate, rejectee, dyad, triangle. Identify application as group leader and group member.
3. Sociometric questions, investigations, measures e.g., continuum, diamond of opposites
There will also be an opportunity to conduct a sociometric measure, to develop the criteria and explore the responses.
Spontaneity – living in the present
Jacob Moreno created psychodrama to expand our capacity to be spontaneous beings. In doing so, we creatively express ourselves and progresses in our lives. This orientation is unique to psychodrama methodology.
This experiential method brings life into psychotherapeutic, educational, community and organisational settings.
When we ‘live in the moment’ we are truly creative beings. In a familiar situation, the challenge is to approach such familiarity with freshness and vitality. In a new situation, the challenge is to respond to the unknown with vitality that serves the situation. The phrase, ‘a new response in an old situation and an adequate response in a new situation’ is often quoted in psychodrama. Adequacy here means freshness and vitality in that context.
Participants in this workshop can expect to revitalise themselves as group members, auxiliaries in dramas, as protagonists and as directors of dramas. You will also expand your understanding of what Moreno means by spontaneity as you engage in this recursive experiential learning experience.
This Workshop will be led by visiting Trainer MARTIN PUTT from Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.
People who have attended some psychodrama, as well as Trainees, are welcome, and will find this workshop brings new insights to whatever field you work in, and in your relationships.. Peope new to psychodrama will need to attend an inteview with Helen Phelan.before Registering.
Workhop will be limited to 14 people - Register and Pay early to reserve a place.
REGISTER REQUIRED BY MAY 1st - WITH HELEN PHEAN hjphelan@iinet.net.au 0407225116 or KEVIN FRANKLIN kevfrank@Westnet.com.au
WORKSHOP 2 - Role Theory and Roles of Director, Auxiliary, Group Leader
The 2024 Perth Campus Training Program
The Training Program provides for multi-level training in psychodrama, from beginners through to intermediate and advanced trainees.
The Program uncompasses 7 Training Weekends, with additional 3hr follow-up processing sessions,
Several Additional Workshops are offered including a 4-Day Intensive in October.
The Program also include visiting trainers.
Trainees are requested to enrol early and Payment for each workshop is requested to be comleted before the Workshop,
Applications for Enrolment are now open and each applicant will be required to complete an interview before confirmation of enrolment in the training program. Each Trainee will be required to have a negotiated and signed Training Agreement.
Please contact Helen Phelan: M 0407 225 116 or Kevin Franklin: M 0478 641 763, . hjphelan@iinet.net.au, kevfrank@westnet.com.au
Experiential Workshop - Psychodrama Introduction– an experiential workshop.
You are invited to an introduction to psychodrama. There will be an opportunity to experience it in action and to explore ways you can apply it. Theory questions are welcome. You can expect to tap into your creativity and enhance spontaneity and creativity in your life and work.