The psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training done by Psychodrama Australia Brisbane Campus is accredited by the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc's (ANZPA's) Board of Examiners.
Contact the Director of Training, Elizabeth Synnot, on 0411876969 or via e-mail: dizzysynnot@gmail.com
All training is being held at 1/55 Clarence St, Coorparoo.
Upcoming Events
This training is the heart of psychodrama training at the Psychodrama Australia Brisbane Campus. It is open to those new to training through to those preparing for certification with psychodrama's professional association, the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association (AANZPA).
This program runs for the year, starting with an interview and the creation of a ‘learning understanding’ in February. This is a four-term training program of nine weekends, one a month, and a five-day workshop in October. Dates and times for this Year long Program can be viewed by clicking on the green View Event button.
Those who join this core group have the option to attend the following as part of the one core training fee for the year, the Psychodrama Essentials workshops as a trained auxiliary and three x 8-hour Writing workshops.
200 hours of training will be completed in 2025 on the completion of core training and attending these optional events.
Entry for those new to psychodrama training is via the Psychodrama Essentials workshop held in February each year or September for the following year.
Leaders: Elizabeth Synnot, Patricia O’Rourke, Chris Hosking and Sara Crane.
Psychodrama writing - series of weekend workshops 2025
This series is designed for psychodrama trainees completing a writing task as part of their certification. These writing tasks are outlined in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual of the Board of Examiners.
The dates and times for these workshops are as follows:
- 10 and 11 May
- 2 and 3 August
- 4 and 5 October
We meet at 1A, 55 Clarence Street, Coorparoo from 10 am to 2 pm each day.
The fee is incorporated into the core training fee for those enrolled for the year. For others, you may attend ad hoc or for the full series. The fee is $40 per session. Please pay using EFTPOS to Westpac Bank: Account name Psychodrama Australia, BSB 034058, Account number 320192.
Contact Elizabeth Synnot to discuss your interest in this series of workshops. Her mobile is 0411876969.
Tea and coffee will be available all day. There is a kitchen with fridge and microwave for your use. Please bring what you will enjoy eating and will sustain you through each day. The protocol we are using to ensure your health and safety during the workshop will be provided on enrolment. Of course, changes to requirements can happen rapidly and we commit to following the up to date advice of the Queensland Chief Medical Officer.
These weekends are designed for those who have an interest in this method and want to learn more and for those considering entering the core training program.
You can expect to be introduced to the four specialties of psychodrama; role training, sociodrama, sociometry and psychodrama as group psychotherapy. It is likely that you will participate in an enactment to recreate a new living moment and perhaps a new solution to life’s vicissitudes.
For more information, click on the green button View Event.
Event Cost:
$660 (incorporated already in fee for core training)
Focus of this weekend workshop to be advised.
Trainer: Chris Hosking
This workshop will be led by Chris Hosking, a Psychodramatist and Trainer, Educator and Practitioner on the teaching staff of Psychodrama Australia. Chris has conducted training workshops and seminars in psychodrama, sociometry, role training and group work for 28+ years and has been actively involved in supervision of trainees in Australia and New Zealand, Japan, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Europe.
Workshop dates and times:
Friday 12 September 2025 6.30pm-9.00pm
Saturday 13 September 2025 10.00am-6.00pm
Sunday 14 September 2025 10.00am-4.00pm
To register interest or enrol, click the green button above - Register Interest or Enrol Here.
This program is a five day non-residential psychodrama training workshop 16-20 October 2024 with Elizabeth Synnot and Sara Crane. The purpose of this five-day workshop is provide an intensive experiential training opportunity in psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry, role training and general group work.
For more information, click the green button View Event.
Current and Past Events
This series of modules is designed for trainees who have 300 or more hours of training, who are using the method in their work and who are committed to further developing as a psychodramatist, sociometrist, role trainer or sociodramatist, and are or becoming Associate Members of AANZPA.
Core psychodrama training in Brisbane gets underway in 2017 on Saturday the 18th February. Participants actively develop themselves as a psychodramatist and group leader using the experiential learning method of psychodrama. The helping professions: mental health, psychotherapy, family therapy, community and organisational development, group leadership, counselling, pastoral care, allied health and other people centred professions, can immediately use elements of what is learnt in core training in their work.
Our Essentials programs are designed as an introduction to understanding people through the psychodramatic method and as a starting point to your investigation to see if learning psychodrama would add to your professional and personal life. As an introduction to psychodrama our Essentials programs have elements of theory, group experiences and an opportunity for you to apply what you've learnt. By immersing yourself in the method for two days, you'll begin to appreciate the power of psychodrama and group work, and see ways for it to positively impact on your life and your profession.
Getting with people in a compassionate but safe way is a valuable skill that can be learned and practiced. It is essential for parents, teachers, counsellors, mentors and leaders. A part of this is called empathy, another is often called "getting with the other person" in NLP they talk of second perceptual position, in psychodrama they talk of doubling and role reversal. This weekend is about increasing your understanding of how to increase your capacity to perceive others clearly. Develop real relationships. To be authentic and not to have to be the centre of attention. And, even more importantly, learn to free yourself from blaming others. 16-18 December - Friday evening, Sat and Sun
These writing days are for psychodrama trainees who are wanting a cooperative envirtonment to progress their writing. Each one will include a short training input session and time to do some writing.
Our Essentials programs are designed as an introduction to understanding people through the psychodramatic method and as a starting point to your investigation to see if learning psychodrama would add to your professional and personal life. As an introduction to psychodrama our Essentials programs have elements of theory, group experiences and an opportunity for you to apply what you've learnt. By immersing yourself in the method for two days, you'll begin to appreciate the power of psychodrama and group work, and see ways for it to positively impact on your life and your profession.
This program is a five day non residential psychodrama training workshop 15 - 19 October with Sara Crane and Elizabeth Synnot. The purpose of this five-day workshop is opportunity for intensive experiential training in psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry, role training and general group work.
Our Essentials programs are designed as an introduction to understanding people through the psychodramatic method and as a starting point to your investigation to see if learning psychodrama would add to your professional and personal life. As an introduction to psychodrama our Essentials programs have elements of theory, group experiences and an opportunity for you to apply what you've learnt. By immersing yourself in the method for two days, you'll begin to appreciate the power of psychodrama and group work, and see ways for it to positively impact on your life and your profession.
Sociodrama training. Working with Organisations, Families and other Human Systems. This workshop is for leaders and other change agents who wish to refine their abilities to work sociodramatically within the organisations and systems in which they work and live. Being run in Brisbane at ehe Brisbane Campus by Peer Howie.
These writing days are for psychodrama trainees who are wanting a cooperative envirtonment to progress their writing. Each one will include a short training input session and time to do some writing.