JUNE - Psychodrama Training Weekend - A two-day training workshop in action methods - Perth
Psychodrama training provides the opportunity to learn how and why action methods work.
This experiential way of working increases our spontaneity and creativity and develops the ability to work with what is emerging in each person and the group. This enhances all aspects of professional and personal life.
Participants will develop abilities to work more creatively with individuals and groups in a range of settings such as health, education, training, community and organisations.
Sat & Sun 20th & 21st June Weekend Workshop; Sat: 9.30am – 4.30pm ; Sun 11:00am - 6:00pm
For further information and registration contact Kaye Keam
Email: kayekeam@gmail.com Ph: 9382 2883 Mob: 0418 900 312
Scope of Learning
1. Extend skills & abilities in being more effective in the roles of the auxiliary, double & mirroring
2 .Developing more awareness of the roles of the director and producer and practising these
3. Becoming aware of progressive, coping/survival and fragmenting roles – creating diagrams to demonstrate these