Psychodrama Event

Psychodrama - Full Year Training Course 2021- Perth

Event Cost: 
Full Year $3,750 - Discounts and Payment Options Available

The Perth Campus - Full Year Training Course 2021

This full-year training course covers the key aspects that are the basis of psychodrama methods. These include knowledge and skills in psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training. The process of training will enable integration of the theory and practice of the psychodramatic method into your professional practice.

The course will provide opportunities to develop creative responses to your life challenges and relationships and you will develop more spontaneity and new responses to change stuck patterns, enliven your life and tackle new situations in an adequate way. The training covers significant personal development in parallel with professional development and application.

Who is the Course for?

This full-year course is designed for people who work with people. This may be as counsellors, coaches, organisational consultants, team leaders, community group leaders, managers, teachers, or health professionals. Psychodrama training is a post-graduate course and is open to those with a degree, diploma, or equivalence in a relevant field.

We welcome interested newcomers. To be eligible for the course you must have had a minimum of 12 hours experiential work in psychodrama and have an initial interview with the trainer of the Campus. Please contact the trainers for an interview.

The Learning Process

Training is taught through supervised experiential learning processes, supported by reading and written assignments, supervised practice in action, shared learning, and group interaction. The experiential nature and reflective practice of the training will develop your thinking, appropriate new professional-practice approaches, and expand your creative responses in personal expression and relationships.

Training Standards.

This training is designed in accordance with the Training & Standards Manual as set out by Australian & Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc. (AANZPA Inc.) Board of Examiners. Training hours are accredited with Psychodrama Australia Perth Campus towards accreditation.  


For further information about psychodrama and training please visit frequently asked questions (FAQs) at www.psychodramaaustralia.edu.au






FEES Pay to:



To Register




Full Year Training Course $3,750

Discounted full year Training: $3,200 - if payment by 31 Jan– (or 4 X $800 by June 30)

You may pay by individual workshops - fees to be received 7 days before each Workshop

Trainees with Training Agreements are encouraged to attend at least 8 workshops for the year.

Please look for updates on the Psychodrama Australia website from Feb on. www.psychodramaaustralia.edu.au


Psychodrama Australia Perth Campus     (ABN 53163084151)

BSB: 036041  Acct No: 284884

Please Include your name on the payment and notify Kevin when payment is made, Thank you.

 Director of Training: Dr Kevin Franklin; BA, BPsych, PhD, B Psych, BA Dip Ed. (Reg. clinical psychologist &       psychotherapist), Member, AANZPA Inc. Qualified Practicing Psychodramatist & Trainer Educator Practitioner

Contact: M 0478 641 763, E kevfrank@westnet.com.au

Qualified Practicing     Sociometrist &TEPit  - Helen Phelan; MA (Human Rights), Personal & Professional Coach & Group-work Leader; Member Executive AANZPA Inc., Member ICF

Contact: M 0407 225 116, E hjphelan@iinet.net.au



Learning Outcomes – General Model as Introduction to Psychodrama

The following learning aspects will be covered, not necessarily sequential.

Semester 1 Feb-June



Psychodrama Basics and Roles


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the 3 Stages of Psychodrama and 5 elements of psychodrama
  2. Introduce and demonstrate Psychodrama Techniques of self-presentation, doubling, role reversal, soliloquy, aside, mirroring & modelling, concretisation, maximisation and surplus reality.
  3. Understand warmup, spontaneity and creativity as the essence of psychodrama purpose – Moreno’s Canon of Creativity
  4. Describe key concepts of Role and Role Theory
  5. Role training, as an application of role theory; the purpose and stages in a role training session.
  6. Participate in a role training exercise,
  7. Introducing Moreno’s philosophy and approach to life and development.


Role Theory and the Social & Cultural Atom

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand Social & cultural atom – as the inter, intra & interactive system of roles
  2. Personality as a system of roles – psychosomatic, psychodramatic & social roles; role theory
  3. Create a personal sociogram on paper or participate in action
  4. Understand familial roles in nucleus family and workplace/community system
  5. Identify and name roles and counter-roles, complementary and reciprocal roles and understand how these relate.
  6. Demonstrate the development and naming of roles with the protagonist as a co-creative learning process, identifying the emergence of a new role.
  7. Appreciate role systems in our group, our life and work
  8. Understand mapping role development over time
  9. Recognise your own role development that has taken place over the weekend (or chosen time frame)
  10. Writing – write a short paper on role development


Development of Auxiliary Role

  1. Appreciate role theory in practical application in reversing roles
  2. Deepen your ability to be an auxiliary in a range of roles. 
  3. Understand the function of the auxiliary as a double, as a mirror, and in role reversal.
  4. Understand the function of the auxiliary as a bridge between protagonist and director.


Social & Cultural Atom

Learning Outcomes:


  1. Stages of human development as presented by J.L. Moreno, and others, including aspects of theories such as attachment in relation to psychodrama theory.
  2. Understands role theory as a means of conceptualizing the dynamic development and change of a system over time.
  3. Mapping social and cultural atom and exploring family systems.
  4. Developin systems thinking and application if family and other therapy settings.


Systems and Sociometry

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Systems Theory applied to the social sciences
  2. Sociometric view of the structure of a system – inclusions/exclusions
  3. Basic elements of sociometry; tele, networks, star, leader, isolate, rejectee, dyad, triangle. Identify application as group leader and group member.
  4. Sociometric questions, investigations, measures e.g. continuum, diamond of opposites
  5. Understanding of “invisible links” in groups and social systems
  6. Sociometric mapping of choices.
  7. Conduct a sociometric measure – developing criteria and  explore response
  8. Writing – write a brief description of applying a sociometric measure,


Semester 2 July - Dec

Group Work Leadership

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Focus on Group work leadership – “the group is part of the healing” – models of group work.
  2. Understand development of group-warmup and quality of group interaction,
  3. Describe process of Selection of protagonist. Action cues, when & how to move into action.
  4. Participate in processing with the group – group warmup, group development, group engagement, development or not of intergroup connections, moments of shifts in group sociometry, group dynamics. Individual responses – links with own learning edge in Groupwork or directing.
  5. Write a brief paper on group leadership, demonstrating understanding of at least 2 models of group work


Sociodrama and Development in Social Systems

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Sociodrama principles, concepts and practice
  2. Developing a sociodramatic question,
  3. Create and demonstrate Setting out the system – differences with protagonist focussed and group focussed sociodrama
  4. Understand sociometric structure of the group
  5. Describe the system, appreciating different world views
  6. Demonstrate assessing options for system intervention
  7. Writing – write a brief description of producing a sociodrama


Developing the Role of Producer

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Conduct psychodrama or Sociodrama vignette
  2. Name the significant steps in warming up a group and choosing a protagonist in one of the Psychodrama vignettes
  3. Recognise action cues that prompt a move to action.
  4. Understand the four universals of a scene: time, place, reality, cosmos.
  5. Understand the use of scene setting, concretisation, and maximisation.
  6. Understand the techniques of interview for role
  7. Naming key aspects of a role and an emerging new role or social system in the production
  8. Name some sociometric aspects of the group or the system in the production
  9. Name aspects to consider in creating a Sociodrama production
  10. Demonstrate brief reporting and self-assessment of directing practice. (Identify aspects of session such as setting out system, sociometry, body responses, auxiliary coaching, dramatic production, engagement with group),  
  11. Write up a vignette using the Perth Campus template.

Expanding Sociometry

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Deepen understanding of Tele and criteria of choices
  2. Understand Sociometry positions, beginning with Identifying one’s sociometric position in group
  3. Deepen understand of the range of sociometric techniques and appropriate use.
  4. Deepen Understanding of role tests for participants when using sociometric techniques.
  5. Understand patterns of relationships (e.g. sociometric distance, direction, strength) and mapping sociometric choices.
  6. Understand progressive impacts and other shifts in sociometry after interventions or interaction when facing conflict.

Integration of Learning

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand warmup, spontaneity and creativity as the essence of psychodrama purpose – Moreno’s Canon of Creativity
  2. Naming key aspects of a role and basic aspects of role theory
  3. Describe social system aspects of hidden sociometric connections and subgroups
  4. Name the significant steps in warming up a group and choosing a protagonist.
  5. Describe an example session of psychodrama and the key aspects of the roles of producer, auxiliary, audience; the sequence of interventions and techniques used and the role development
  6. Name aspects to consider in creating a Sociodrama production


VENUE: Lesser Hall, North Pert, 22 View Street, North Perth, WA 6006.


Morning and Afternoon Tea Provided. Lunches – bring food to share or access local coffee, food and supermarket nearby.



Training Schedule 2021









Fri 29th 5-9pm


Donation  $25

Introduction and Welcome.

Outline of Training Program


Fri, Sat, Sun 19,20,21






Note” All times for Monthly Training Workshops are



Sat 9:30-5pm;

Sun 9:30-2pm



Venue – Lesser Hall, North Perth, 22 View Street.




Fri, Sat, Sun 19,20,21





Fri, Sat, Sun 16,17,18





Fri, Sat, Sun 14,15,16





Fri, Sat, Sun 18,19,20





Fri, Sat, Sun 23,24,25





Fri, Sat, Sun 13,14,15





Fri, Sat, Sun 17,18,19





Fri, Sat, Sun 15,16,17





Fri, Sat, Sun 19,20,21





Fri 10th 6:00-9:00


Donation  $25

End of Year Event – time may change dependent on Group decision





Discount and Options for payment are available (See p1) – please contact trainers for other options..


Perth Campus

Perth Campus (PC) is the Regional Western Australian learning and training campus for Psychodrama Australia (PA) which is Accredited by the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association (AANZPA.) Board of Examiners undertake training level articulated in the AANZPA Training & Standards Manual.




Friday 19th February, 2021
Start 6:00 pm
Fri 19th 6-9pm; Sat 9:30-5pm; Sun 9:30-2pm
North Perth Lesser Hall
22 View Street
North Perth, WA 6006
Helen Phelan, TEPit, Perth Campus Staff