The Spirit of the Adventurer - an Exploration using Psychodrama Action Methods - Perth
In the workplace and in life we are often confronted with unexpected things that seem difficult to handle. These can be inner journeys or journeys in the world. Sometimes we react with concern and doubts, sometimes respond with creativity and courage..
At times the adventurer may take you to new, enriching dimensions – sometimes the adventurer may over-reach and lead you to risks beyond bounds. Finding the adventurer that most adequately supports your life and work can be a challenge..
You are invited to share and explore together, through action learning, how we can expand the adventurer within us to be available and accessible, and be just the right response at the times we need it, In exploring we may uncover some of the factors that push us and pull us in those moments, and expand our choices.
Psychodrama is an active and enlivening method which aims to increase spontaneity, strengthen relationships and build community.
Spontaneity is a foundation concept of the psychodrama method. It involves the ability to respond to people and situations in a lively, authentic and thoughtful way. It involves letting go of the old and moving into new ways of being. Spontaneity flourishes in an atmosphere of experimentation and playfulness, and enables us to bring forward our creative abilities, and to move into the unknown with courage and confidence.
Comfortable clothing recommended - Tea and Coffee and Snacks Provided
For further information and Registration Contact Helen Phelan Ph:0407 225 116
or Kevin Franklin Ph:0478 641 763
We would appreciate payment before the session :
PSYCHODRAMA AUSTRALIA (ABN 53163084151) Perth Campus BSB: 036041 Acct No: 284884
Watch for later workshops to be published on this Psychodrama Australia website