Psychodrama Weekend Workshop - Creative Leadership of You in Your Life With Others - Perth
Intrigued? Leadership of yourself?
In exploring ways we can engage with others in our world there is a huge challenge. There is you with your world view and there is the other with their world view – how do we develop a progressive, inclusive and mutually respectful relationship with each other in the awkward, vulnerable, reality of meeting, of truly encountering each other in the here and now? How in the moment of meeting can I find my creative genius, and dig deep to seek ways I can be with ‘other ‘, really feel myself, be with myself –and be open to them.
Theories may shape your thinking, but role development requires congruence of feeling, thinking and action, with spontaneity, creativity and noble expression in the moment.
Leadership of ourselves requires care, patience, flexibility, giving up a position to be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, and embracing an authentic effort to contribute to a world where our relationships sustain us and other, and creativity is freed.
This is potent! …..and this is our big work….in this workshop we will work together in an encouraging environment, to bring forth our creativity to back ourselves and enhance our capacity to be with Other.
Psychodrama is an active and enlivening method which aims to increase spontaneity, strengthen relationships and build community.
Spontaneity is a foundation concept of the psychodrama method. It involves the ability to respond to people and situations in a lively, authentic and thoughtful way. It involves letting go of the old and moving into new ways of being. Spontaneity flourishes in an atmosphere of experimentation and playfulness, and enables us to bring forward our creative abilities, and to move into the unknown with courage and confidence.
Comfortable clothing recommended - Tea and Coffee and Snacks Provided
Lunch - bring you own or shops and Cafes nearbye.
For further information and Registration Contact Helen Phelan hjphelan@iinet.net.au Ph:0407 225 116
or Kevin Franklin kevfrank@westnet.com.au Ph:0478 641 763
We would appreciate payment before the session :
PSYCHODRAMA AUSTRALIA (ABN 53163084151) Perth Campus BSB: 036041 Acct No: 284884
Watch for later workshops to be published on this Psychodrama Australia website