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Psychodrama Australia Melbourne Campus

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

with Chris Hosking

For the 2024 Training group and others engaged in psychodrama training in Australia and overseas.

More details to come

27 Sep 2024
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 27-29 September
2 Minona Street, Melbourne

with Hilde Knottenbelt

This two-day workshop will involve active, experiential learning using the psychodrama method.

It is for people interested in experiencing the psychodrama method and for people wishing to discover its relevance for their professional and clinical work with individuals and groups. It is highly recommended for people wishing to enrol in the 2025 Training Group.


12 Oct 2024
Saturday and Sunday 12-13 October 10am-5.30pm each day
2 Minona Street, Melbourne

Current and Past Events

Current and Past Events

Belonging is fundamental to us as human beings. We have a strong desire to belong, to be ourselves, to be at ease and accepted in a place or community. We come to discover more of who we are through being with others. Yet belonging and not belonging are not always simple experiences.

This workshop focuses on your own belonging and your capacity to generate experiences of belonging for others. In approaching these complex areas of life, sociodrama offers a space – outside the home, workplace, public and social media – to come to grips with your experiences and concerns as a member of society and as a global citizen. A group context and active methods are used for this exploration.

You will experience and learn how sociodrama can be used to open out areas of social and cultural life for deeper consideration.

Leaders: Bev Hosking and Jenny Hutt

24 Sep 2016
Saturday and Sunday 24-25 September 10.00am - 5.30pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

A psychodrama training workshop led by Chris Hosking

Friday, Saturday and Sunday 2-4 September 10am-6pm

This workshop is designed for trainees who wish to sharpen their awareness of and enlarge their ability to respond to the sociometric networks in a group. In the field of sociometry it is recognised that these feeling networks are powerful factors that affect the vitality and nature of group culture.

2 Sep 2016
10am-6pm each day
189 High Street, Melbourne

This supervision group is for professionals conducting clinical work in groups and one to one settings, including psychodrama practitioners, trainees and other professionals interested in this approach.

22 Jul 2016
Five sessions: July 22, 29, August 5,12,19
9 Carlton Street, Melbourne

Belonging is fundamental to us as human beings. We have a strong desire to belong, to be ourselves, to be at ease and accepted in a place or community. We come to discover more of who we are through being with others. Yet belonging and not belonging are not always simple experiences.

19 Jul 2016
Be there by 7.15pm, finishes 9.45pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

Leading a full life, moving from one thing to another, can leave us without enough space to adequately absorb, savour or share experiences which mean something to us. In a similar vein, Bushmen from the Kalahari when asked why they were refusing to continue the journey after several days walking, said ‘We are waiting for our souls to catch up’.


15 Jun 2016
Starts 7.15 finishes 9.45pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

Developing presence and the capacity to work with the emerging life in ourselves and others is the focus of this weekend, led by Hilde Knottenbelt.

It will be of interest to people who wish to expand their capacity to work with groups and individuals in a range of settings and to those who wish to develop greater flexibility and efficacy in their professional and personal lives.


4 Jun 2016
Saturday and Sunday 4-5 June, 10am -5pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

A psychodrama training workshop led by Chris Hosking

Friday, Saturday and Sunday 13-15 May 10am-6pm

In this workshop there will be an emphasis on the concepts and application of role theory and the unique approach this theory makes to the human psyche. The workshop will involve the participants as directors, protagonists and auxilaries and in periods of reflection and review.

13 May 2016
10am-6pm each day
189 High Street, Melbourne

We all have them: everyday moments which need a more inspired response than we come up with at the time. Instead, we can narrow down, withdraw, condemn, dither or collude. We experience a failure of imagination.

This session uses action methods from psychodrama to engage you in revisiting a range of everyday situations in a spirit of play and experimentation.


13 Apr 2016
Be there at 7.15pm, finishes 9.45pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

This supervision group is for professionals conducting clinical work in groups and one to one settings, including psychodrama practitioners, trainees and other professionals interested in this approach.

The group is led by Richard Hall

8 Apr 2016
9.30 -11.30am
9 Carlton Street, Melbourne

This multi-level training group is an AANZPA accredited training program.

It is for new trainees at the core curriculum level and trainees at intermediate and advanced levels of training.

The group is led by Jenny Hutt, Hilde Knottenbelt and Chris Hosking.

19 Mar 2016
19-20 March 11am-6pm
189 High Street, Melbourne