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Psychodrama Australia Sydney Campus
Psychodrama Australia Sydney Campus



The 2025 Psychodrama Training Program in Sydney commences in March.

There will be 4 stand-alone workshops:

  1. Sat 15 & Sun 16 March, (2 days),
  2. Fri 16, Sat 17 & Sun 18 May (3 days), 
  3. Sat 5 & Sun 6 July (2 days), and
  4. Fri 19, Sat 20 & Sun 21 September (3 days). 

And 5 Open Nights

Fri 14 Feb, Fri 14 March, Fri 4 July, Thurs 18 Sept and Fri 7 November.

Please ensure you are on the mailing list to get further information about the program as soon as it becomes available.

For 2025 enquiries contact Rollo Browne (0417 682 085) or Bona Anna (0451 046 928).

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

The best way to understand the power of psychodrama is to experience it and these evenings are designed to give participants an opportunity to experience psychodrama in a safe and gentle environment. Each session will be directed by an experienced psychodramatist with time available for questions about the method and its applications.

Come and join in or sit and watch as the drama unfolds. Experience the power of action methods and gain new perspectives on the way we relate in today’s world.

This evening will introduce you to psychodrama – a technique for exploring and resolving dramas in our lives. Bring a friend for an evening of learning and fun.

14 Mar 2025
2 Ernest St, Crows Nest

Galileo (b.1564) said, “You cannot teach people anything. You can only help them discover it within themselves”. As a method of self-discovery, psychodrama works because it is guided by principles that capture fundamental aspects of human nature. Specifically, the potency of psychodrama emerges whenever attention is paid to four areas of human existence: the living nature of the group, the flow of spontaneity, embodied action and the ritual power of theatre. Each of these areas implicitly captures something that people respond to, but in combination they create a therapeutic theatre where participants’ inner life or spirit is sustained and nourished.

15 Mar 2025
9.30am to 4.30pm both days
2 Ernest St, Crows Nest

Moreno invented the Social and Cultural Atom as an innovative way to display the self and the range of its significant relationships. It depicts the significant people in an individual’s life, their social atom, overlaid with their dynamic relational patterns, their cultural atom. Its usefulness is that it sets the context for developmental work by understanding patterns in how tele and spontaneity function in relationships. Essentially it a tool for self-awareness.

16 May 2025
9.30am to 4.30pm each day
2 Ernest St, Crows Nest

The best way to understand the power of psychodrama is to experience it.

These evenings are designed to give you an opportunity to experience psychodrama in a safe and gentle environment. Each session will be directed by an experienced psychodramatist with time available for questions about the method and its applications.

Come and join in or sit and watch as the drama unfolds. Experience the power of action methods and gain new perspectives on the way we relate in today’s world.

4 Jul 2025
2 Ernest St, Crows Nest

The three stages of the double, the mirror and role reversal, from birth to approximately 5 years, describe Moreno’s foundational sequence for human development. The corresponding techniques of doubling, mirroring and role reversal emerged from Moreno’s theatrical experiments with role playing and spontaneity in the 1920s. At that time, he knew that his psychodramatic methods worked, but not why they worked. His subsequent insight was that the therapeutic effectiveness of these techniques is because they “are profoundly related to the dynamics of human growth” (Moreno 1952 in Fox, 1987:136).

5 Jul 2025
9.30am to 4.30pm each day
2 Ernest St, Crows Nest

The best way to understand the power of psychodrama is to experience it.

These evenings are designed to give you an opportunity to experience psychodrama in a safe and gentle environment. Each session will be directed by an experienced psychodramatist with time available for questions about the method and its applications.

Come and join in or sit and watch as the drama unfolds. Experience the power of action methods and gain new perspectives on the way we relate in today’s world.

18 Sep 2025
2 Ernest St, Crows Nest

Coming soon

19 Sep 2025
9.30am to 4.30pm each day
2 Ernest St, Crows Nest

The best way to understand the power of psychodrama is to experience it.

These evenings are designed to give you an opportunity to experience psychodrama in a safe and gentle environment. Each session will be directed by an experienced psychodramatist with time available for questions about the method and its applications.

Come and join in or sit and watch as the drama unfolds. Experience the power of action methods and gain new perspectives on the way we relate in today’s world.

7 Nov 2025
2 Ernest St, Crows Nest

Current and Past Events

Current and Past Events

Canberra - Action Techniques for working constructively with intense expression
Psychodrama Training Long Weekend Workshop.   11 - 13 March  2022
In this training workshop, the focus will be on applying action techniques as a leader to intense expression and potentially traumatising situations,  by means of experiential sessions applied to daily life including work, play and relationships, with a view to increasing the capacity to rise creatively to life’s challenges. The experiential, systemic, action process known as the psychodrama method is learnt in the process.

11 Mar 2022
11/3/22 - 13/3/22 9:30am-5:00pm AEDT

This year long training program covers the core knowledge, skills and personal development that underpin the practice of Morenian methods (psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training). It equips participants to integrate psychodramatic processes into their professional practice, bringing greater vitality, depth and immediacy to their work.  

The course is designed for you to bring Morenian experiential methods into your thinking and practice. You will have the opportunity to experience psychodrama, broaden your production capabilities, develop greater flexibility in your group work and deepen your therapeutic and systems interventions. You will master the basic techniques, understand warm up, see and feel the effect of increased spontaneity in yourself and others. Imagine if you could bring this spontaneity into your work! The purpose is to apply your learning in your work and life, to be more effective in your work and have more satisfying interactions.

5 Mar 2022
Workshop1: 5th & 6th March 2022. 9.30-4.30 each day. See program details for other workshop dates.
Level 1, 156 Pacific Highway (at corner of Greenwich Rd), Greenwich
This workshop focuses on moving from an intention or purpose, to producing action on the stage.
We will refine our use of the five instruments of psychodrama - the director, protagonist, auxiliaries, stage and audience - in producing life giving enactments. We will explore how Moreno's universal elements of time, space, reality and the cosmos, provide structure for creative production.
Alongside the focus on the production of a psychodrama enactment, you are invited to warm-up to the areas of your own life (including your work life) where you want to more readily move into action.
5 Mar 2022
Sat 5th March 9.30am-4.30pm & Sun 6th March 9.30am-2.00pm
Level 1, 156 Pacific Highway, Greenwich

Please Note: Registrations are essential.   Commences at 6.30pm

This open night is led by Dimitrios Papalexis, an advanced Psychodrama Trainee and Associate Member of AANZPA.

Individuals and societies have important life milestones. Those milestones and expectations can change from generation to generation and individual to individual depending on the social, cultural,  political and economic context and also our personal values. In this open night we will explore, through the method of psychodrama, personal meaningful milestones (past, current or forthcoming) and the wisdom they carry.

About Dimitrios Papalexis: Dimitrios is a counsellor, trainer and consultant on youth and community development, storytelling and arts. He has been awarded the NSW Youth Worker of the Year Award in 2019 and the “A Cause for Applause” Score More Foundation award in 2020. His passion lies in blending creative, community and healing arts for social change and impact. 

4 Mar 2022
Level 1, 156 Pacific Highway, Greenwich

Experiential Psychodrama Workshop, Saturday & Sunday, 9.30-4.30pm

19 Feb 2022
Sat 19th & Sun 20th Feb
1/156 Pacific Highway, Greenwich

Psychodrama Training Weekend Workshop.  Canberra 19-21 November 

In this training workshop, the content will be based on participants’ interests, concerns and purposes. The focus will be on experiential sessions applied to daily life including work, play and relationships, with a view to increasing the capacity to rise creatively to life’s challenges. The experiential, systemic, action process known as the psychodrama method is also learnt in the process. Trainees will have the opportunity to direct under supervision.


19 Nov 2021
19-21 November Friday 9:30am - 5pm, Saturday 9.30am – 5pm, Sunday 9.30am -5pm
, Canberra

This program focuses on the application of social systems theory, role theory and sociometry as a holistic approach to the assessment of group functioning and as a guide to practitioner decision-making. You will hone your ability to perceive a group’s functioning through these lenses, to identify what development would be helpful in progressing the aims of the group and what interventions are likely to facilitate that development.

31 Aug 2021
Tues evenings 6pm-8.30pm 31 Aug, 14 Sept, 28 Sept, 12 Oct, 26 Oct.

This 2 day program is for people wanting to experience psychodrama and also develop their functioning in their personal or professional lives.

Click 'View Event' and register your interest.

24 Jul 2021
NEW DATES TO BE NOTIFIED 9.30am - 4.30pm
Newcastle, Belmont Library Meeting Room

Psychodramatic role theory provides a framework for understanding human functioning in a holistic and non-judgemental way. The individual is seen in the context of their life and relationships, taking into consideration developmental experiences that impact on their current orientation to the world. Attention is given to cognitive, feeling and action elements of human functioning, to the person’s capacity to warm-up in a way that promotes vitality, and to their ability to relate to the emerging moment.

This program focuses on the application of role theory as a holistic approach to assessment and as a guide to clinical decision-making.  

22 Apr 2021
6pm - 9pm every second Thursday 22 Apr; 6 & 20 May; 3 & 17 Jun

Psychodrama Training Weekend - Sociometry   

This weekend training will focus on the measurement and development ofrelationships and patterns of relationships as individuals choose to connect withy others on various criteria.

The psychodrama method assists participants to increase their spontaneity and creativity through active participation. This participation includes group work, enactment and theoretical mini lectures. The program will assist in developing leadership and will lead to increasing abilities in relating to others.

12 Mar 2021
March 12th - 14th: Friday 7- 9pm, Saturday 9.30am - 5pm, Sunday 9.30am - 5pm