
We have a strong vision and a strong mission and highly qualified trainers, educators and practitioners.

This area is designed to compliment our psychodrama training programs as well as hold articles that are stimulating and challenging.

Levels of Reflection

A comprehensive means of challenging your ideas and ways you learn through structured relfection.

Word of mouth is dead 2

There probably isn’t a field of human endevour where someone, or in all likelihood many people, don’t regularly say “it’s not as good it used to be” or “it’s not like it was in the good old days”. Now, we are not about to start a debate about the impact of rose tinted glasses when it comes to looking back on the way things were. But when it comes to marketing, we often hear clients and marketeers talk about the way that marketing has changed… and not always for the better.

Word of Mouth is Dead

During the last five years, countless authors, writers and media outlets have posited that the proliferation and fragmentation of media has irrevocably changed the way we consume media. And with good reason. For the first time ever, in 2010, online ad spending surpassed newspaper ad spending. What does this mean? Articles aren’t shared with a scissors and a 44 cent stamp. Word of mouth is dead. Articles are being retweeted, liked and stumbled. Your Grandma would have thought these techniques were used when “necking” and “going steady” were in vogue. Consumers are online today, not in line at the newspaper stand.

A historical journey of Psychodrama and Nursing

Little has been written about the links between Dr J.L. Moreno, his psychodramatic methodologies  and the nursing profession. In this article Dr Wendy McIntosh explores nursing and academic literature and identifies strong links between them, many of which have not previously been reported within the context of major influences on nursing. This paper presents parallel journeys, the author’s personal journey with the work of Moreno and the significant influence of Moreno’s concepts and techniques on the profession of nursing since the 1930s.


On being wrong

Most of us will do anything to avoid being wrong. But what if we're wrong about that? "Wrongologist" Kathryn Schulz makes a compelling case for not just admitting but embracing our fallibility. Kathryn Schulz is the author of "Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error," and writes "The Wrong Stuff," a Slate series featuring interviews with high-profile people about how they think and feel about being wrong.

How to fail at almost everything and still win big

This is an amusing look at some of the ideas of Scott Adams who created the enormously successful Dilbert cartoon series.This article has some great quotes, or at least counterveiling quotes from what is out there in the world. E.g. 'Following your passion is terrible adive' as passion follows success; and 'focus on energy not time' which is true for writing which I do in the moring when energy is high. Its fun.

What a piece of work is man. Dan Ariely

This great short talk by Dan Ariely who wrote Predictably Irrational, gives us a different perspective on how our warming up process, if left as an unconscious and unaware process, is so susceptible to influence to the extant we can question our ideas about how in control we are of our decisions.


What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving
how express and admirable! In action how like an Angel In apprehension how like a god!

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Act II, Scene ii, 285-300)

Find our waht Dan Ariely thinks!


Dani Kahneman - brilliant on happiness - a short video

Using examples from vacations to colonoscopies, Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman reveals how our "experiencing selves" and our "remembering selves" perceive happiness differently. This new insight has profound implications for economics, public policy -- and our own self-awareness.

This is a very useful perspective on happiness because it suggests that how we think about ourselves effects our memory. Obvious, perhaps. And he is a great speaker.

Who’s In Charge: Free Will and the Science of the Brain. Michael. S. Gazzaniga - A long video from a brilliant thinker

Michael. S. Gazzaniga had written a number of rather brilliant books, and presented some challenging ideas. For instance, did you know that it takes longer for nerve impulses to travel from your toes to your brain, than it does from your fingers to your brain? Longer nerve pathways take longer to get there. Makes sense doesn’t it? So how come we experience things simultaneously? Touch your toe with your finger. Our brain does that, with no help from our conscious mind.

So, do we have free will? It is an age-old question, which has attracted the attention of philosophers, theologians, lawyers, psychodramatists and political theorists. Now it is attracting the attention of neuroscience, explains Michael S. Gazzaniga, director of the SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and author of the new book, “Who’s In Charge: Free Will and the Science of the Brain.” This link will take you to a complete interview with Michael about this subject. Try it, you might like it. Click here for the web page.

OR watch Michael on this great Youtube video.


Loving the unlovable. A short video

"The harder they are to love the more we must love them. The harder they are to forgive, the more we must forgive them." Richard Sapolsky suggests it is only our capacity to decide to do the impossible that separates us from other species. He does this very convincingly and shows how all the previously thought differences do not stack up after research. Moreno had an idea that megalomania normalis, or normal megalomania, the idea that we can be great and that we are great, is something all of us have to a degree and that it is a good thing. Unfortunately you need to go to the end of the tape to understand the line above.