Psychodrama Essentials - a short course in understanding people - 9/10 April

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Psychodrama Essentials- a short course in understanding people.

Our Essentials programs are designed as an introduction to understanding people through the psychodramatic method and as a starting point to your investigation to see if learning psychodrama would add to your professional and personal life.

In this weekend program participants will be invited to bring forward times when old habits no longer serve their purpose.  For instance, you may have a habit of hearing insult in someone paying you a compliment.  Or, you may have a habit of not knowing how much money you are spending in a month.  Or, you may have a habit of overeating.  Or you may have a habit of blaming others for your misfortunes and not looking at what you have contributed.  As we do this you will be taught the psychodrama method.

Jacob Moreno, the founder of psychodrama believed that a truly therapeutic procedure must address not only the individual, but all of our relationships and the whole of society. His ambitious goal was that every therapeutic session should make a significant step towards world peace.

Spontaneity is a foundation concept of the psychodrama method. It involves the ability to respond to people and situations with immediacy, vitality and thoughtfulness. It involves letting go of the old and moving into new ways of being. Spontaneity flourishes in an atmosphere of experimentation and playfulness, and enables us to bring forward our creative abilities, and to move into the unknown with courage and confidence.

Psychodrama is a very powerful technology for growth, creativity and understanding both for you and for any clients or groups you might be working with. This workshop is designed to introduce you in an enjoyable, systematic, thoughtful and experiential manner to some of the many facets of psychodrama.

If you're a professional educator, manager, HR / organisational specialist, counsellor, teacher, facilitator, psychologist, social worker, trainer, or pastoral worker, you will find that this workshop of benefit.

Next   Date 2016 TBA

Times: 10am - 5 pm both days,

Fee: $225

A Technology of Creativity

Psychodrama is a technology for creativity. It pumps life into tired old bones enabling them to dance and sing with the power of life. It sets up an authentic and sustainable life. By tapping into each person's natural spontaneity that lies at the core of their being, psychodrama creates options which allow people to do remarkable things.

A Prelude to Further Training in the Core program

If you're considering joining the Core training group this year, or if you are lookng for an avenue through which to develop yourself personally and professionally, then this Psychodrama Essentials program is a must. The Core training group, which runs over nine months, offers the opportunity for significant stimulation, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and philosophical challenge of learning through a deep experintial learning program with a committed cohort of fellow learners.

A short course in Psychodrama Essentials

As an introduction to psychodrama our Essentials programs have elements of theory, group experiences and an opportunity for you to apply what you've learnt. By immersing yourself in the method for two days, you'll begin to appreciate the power of psychodrama and group work, and see ways for it to positively impact on your life and your profession.


These sessions will profoundly stimulate you as a participant. Your thinking, feelings and actions will all develop a new fluidity. At the end of these sessions you will have gained an overview of many aspects of psychodrama. You will be in an informed place to consider the training and the other sefl development experiential programs on offer. You will receive reading material, references and be able to ask the wildest questions you can think of.

There are usually current students present during these weekends and they will have their own perspectives on the training and the methods.

The facilitator

Elizabeth Synnot (Diz) is a Trainer, Educator and Practitioner in training.  She is a sociodrama practitioner applying Moreno's approach as the basis of her work. Elizabeth is an experienced organisational consultant, leadership developer and family therapist  She has been co-leading the Core training programs in Brisbane for nearly 20 years. Elizabeth has been expanding her practice in family, leadership and team develoment.  She gives and receives supervision and training in this method.  Find out more about her here.

Where: Macquarie House, 45 Clarence St, Coorparoo

How many: Places limited to 8

How much: $225

Participants who would like to attend more than one program are welcome and will be given a substantial discount on subsequent programs. The nature of the group, the learning methodology, and breadth of the topic ensures that each workshop has substantial differences which means those returning will gain a great new experience to broaen their understanding of psychodrama.

The training run though Psychodrama Australia Brisbane campus is accredited through the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc (AANZPA). For further details either click on the logo below or go to their website at If you have further questions about psychodrama or psychodrama training you could 1) Send us a general enquiry or question through our email by clicking here; 2) Browse our Frequently Asked Questions 3) or contact Peter directly on 0411 873 851 or Diz on 0411 876 969.




Saturday 9th April, 2016
Start 10:00 am
Sat Sun 10 am - 5 pm
45 Clarence St Coorparoo
Brisbane, QLD 4151