
This blog is for discussions regarding psychodrama and related topics. It is an open blog, which means anyone may post without a sign-in, but it is monitored by me, Peter Howie, which means there may be a delay before you see your own post. I will do my best to get them out asap and if you can't wait then email me. I invite everyone posting to play nice and play the ball (theory, topic, area of discussion) not the person (the person posting). I feel no obligation to run this like facebook, so please consider your responses and what they add to what you have read. At present only those with sign-in authority may begin a blog. You are welcome to contact one of the campus directors of Psychodrama Australia if you would like them to auspice your blog. Or email me using the contact above. Just click on the blog you want to respond to and you will see all the trailing responses as well. If your want to reply to an individual post then click the closest 'reply' to that post. If you respond in the open field right at the end you will start a post that comes up at the end.

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A full attack on role theory ... kicked off by Dr Phil Carter.

Perhaps i am ready to launch a full on attack on role theory.
How about this:-

When personality is central, response and attention to the forces of life and spirit can easily become diffuse and scattered. When there is love for the life in the present, for the experience of presence, there is freedom and movement. This 'love' for spontaneity is warm-up. An attitude of readiness, willingness and attention to what is emerging and being lived can be called warm-up.

Role theory must be junior to spontaneity. Role theory must serve the purpose of warm-up, to evoke spontaneity.

"there is no need for an ultimate definition of roles ... they are created before our eyes .... They define themselves as they emerge from status nascendi to full mature shape." (Moreno, Vol 1, p. 340).

One must be very careful in doing any personality analysis, that it does not result in any kind of smugness or even knowing, as that will create an extra barrier to the fresh experience of the emerging life.

The flow of articulate life ... response by Peter Howie

Morning, afternoon!

Each of your posts is additional and modified and each is great. Great because they provoke stuff … I liked everything including your discovery of Evan’s quote. Moreno quotes out of context or out of the body in which he wrote them become menacingly intriguing.

How about I put our emails on the blog ‘as is’. That's the purpose of a blog - mucking around, refining, blowing up, refining, starting again.…

More on role theory - the continuance of Phil Carter

Probably. I’ve modified the last one and added a couple more thoughts. Have a look at it. Then send it back. I will read it and see if it can go out into the blog…

When personality is central, response and attention to the forces of life and spirit can easily become diffuse and scattered. When there is love for the life in the present, for the experience of presence, there is freedom and movement. This ‘love’ for spontaneity is warm-up. An attitude of readiness, willingness and attention to what is emerging and being lived can be called warm-up.

Role theory must be junior to spontaneity. Role theory must serve the purpose of warm-up, to evoke spontaneity.

“there is no need for an ultimate definition of roles … they are created before our eyes …. They define themselves as they emerge from status nascendi to full mature shape.” (Moreno, Vol 1, p. 340).

One must be very careful in doing any personality analysis, that it does not result in any kind of smugness or knowing that will create an extra barrier to the fresh experience of the emerging life.…

The question was ... will I/Wont I - Peter Howie

The question was ...?

May I put all versions up to highlight the drafting and exploratory nature of a blog?

In it goes. All of it - Phil Carter

Love the intent to illustrate progression of thinking in a relational field.

The structure becomes reflective of the content, ie warmup, which is always to the immediate life now, including the immediate and current response to the artefact, construct, meaning that kicks in a milli-second after, building its monotrous life of abstraction.

Put that in too. In it goes. All of it. Warm-up.

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