The following are 20 blurbs for self-development groups that I have run over the last 4 years. They are presented here as examples of how a group can be themed - that is having a particular focus, or un-themed, with a general self-development the focus. I have generally found that a theme warms people up in a particular way, as does a group without a theme. There are no general rules as regards these blurbs except that I, as the group leader, need to feel they are written in such a way that they are true for me, or represent what I am planning to get up to with any participants. Having said that, the general rule is that people are more likely to come if they know me, or if they know someone who knows and recommends me. Less often someone comes because they have been referred by a friend or colleague to ‘check out the local psychodrama groups’ or call the Institute. So these are designed to be read to lighten anyone’s thinking about this area and what the limitations might be – as I believe there are no limitations except being careful with what I promise.
Of great benefit is to have a website up your sleeve to which people can be directed - and this website has material about psychodrama - such as the Psychodrama Australia website has a Frequently Asked Questions section and often I had a special page setting out what usually happens in a self-development psychodrama group. The AANZPA regional website is another place to do this - find referable web pages with psychodrama material.
I have left in some times, and some costs as examples of what I have done.
1) What now? Creating your own direction, purpose and dreams - evening self development series
What now? This workshop series is about creating your own direction, purpose and dreams in a world where others want you to take theirs. You will develop your own authenticity and strength of feeling as the work unfolds
You are invited to come and dream. The dreams you will be invited to have are: the ones you may have created in the past and put away; may have always suspected lurked beneath your calm exterior or excited exterior; the ones you are yet to contemplate and yet to generate; the ones your only have ever dreamed you could dream.
This workshop will look at how your dreams emerged at different times in your life and which ones were supported, modified and which ones quashed. Some dreams may have found a way to live with you and some may still be hanging around waiting, like Sleeping beauty, for you to wake them up, or perhaps for you to wake up.
When: Wednesdays October 20, 27 November 3, 10, 17, 24
Times: 6.30 - 9.30 pm
How Much: $270
Group Leader: Peter Howie
2) Finding your Passion
Free Open Night
Finding your passion? Finding your passion is a very popular subject these days. Type it into Google and get over 30 million hits. So you’ve heard the question. Well, have you found yours yet? Why not? Maybe you left it outside and it got wet? Sorry, I am playing around.
But what is passion? What do others mean when they talk about it. It is a very popular area of personal and experiential growth at the moment. Sometimes people quote others and talk about “Following your bliss” (Joseph Campbell). Is it like following your favourite sporting team, or musical group, or fiction author?
I believe in general it means finding a life that sits well with your deepest aspirations and values. And as I sigh and consider my deepest aspirations, I ask myself if just because a person has a deep aspiration, is that enough reason to try and fulfill it? And must a person have deep aspirations in order to be happy? This free intro evening will consider where deep aspirations and values may have originated, their value in your current life and weigh up the success people have had in following them or even modifying or changing or avoiding them. This evening will be exploratory and while you can expect to be stimulated, amused, delighted and challenged it is highly unlikely that you will end up with blueprint for your future life.
3) Relationships and You
Usually we are taught to see relationships as simply between two people. There is me and there is you. Our lives are made up of relationships like this. There is my partner and me. There is me and my children. There is me and my boss. There is my neighbour and me. There is my beloved and me. In this workshop we will be looking at the third aspect and that is the relationship itself.
The relationship, when viewed as the central part of the interaction between two people, takes on a significance that is usually lost when viewed as only two people. As we know relationships can be the source of the most profound joy as well as the deepest sadness. They can cause confusion as well as clarity. Sometimes they make profound sense and other times they seem like a weird dance in the dark.
At times I may feel powerless to change or effect the other person in the relationship. They may well feel the same with me. Often one or both parties feels unseen, experiences being unmet and develops a sense of themselves as unknown to the other. Despite this it often comes with a feeling of being vulnerable, visible and completely public. In this workshop we will also be looking at how a person presents themselves and how this effects the relationship, which in turn profoundly effects the other person.
This evening series of workshops has participants working together to get maximise what they get from relationships, maximise what they give to relationships and create ways to make their relationships significant and fulfilling.
4) Relationships and Family
Free Open Evening
Relationships; present or absent; smooth or stormy; close or distant; greatly affect the the quality of our lives. All other things being equal, our quality of life echos the the quality of our relationships. Being in a relationship and being 'successful' at it relies on how we do relationships, how we relate, how we understand ourselves and how we understand others.
Often we relate to others how we have been related to, we have established ways of relating formed usually early in life, with the assistance of our families, our established ways of relating are usually formed within our family unit (our first group experience).
This open night and the program following, will give participants the opportunity to look at your relationships and your impact on them in a truly unique and tailored-to-you way.
5) ACTION - The way to the psyche
Even wondered why you find it difficult (impossible) to talk yourself into something? Ever had the experience of knowing something wont work and it does? Ever felt entirely certain of a point of view only to have it change?
This simply indicates that words and over reliance on our intellect can be misleading. It also means that there is a belief that relying on the use of words and being rational is enough to “work things out.”
Psychodrama uses action processes. These action processes do not rely on word, language, being smart or even being able to talk. These processes allow you greater and more effective access to your own psyche. This evening is an experience of some of these action processes in a contained, playful and safe manner.
6) Getting a handle on life
Getting a handle on life means not getting ground down, finding ways of reducing isolation and inviting intimacy into your life.
Life is Complicated
Life is a complicated and often messy affair. There are areas of life that we are clear about. There are areas of life that we are not clear about and wish we were. There are areas of life that are totally outside of our awareness and which we pay no attention to and are not even aware of how they impact our life. Often this can lead to a sense of being ground down where isolation increases and intimacy become a memory.
Getting a Handle on Life
In order to get a handle on life you need to be able to see your life, consider it and look at the range of forces and factors that are impacting you. Without this you may continue to feel tossed and turned by the vagaries of life and other people.
Group processes and psychodrama
Psychodrama is a brilliant way to map your life and to consider which areas need further illumination. Then to take it further and explore the hidden areas and blind spots; to look at what an invitation to life entails. This work will lead to a greater confidence in your own life and purpose as well as less exhaustion, less isolation and the opportunity for intimacy.
When: Wednesdays 12, 19, 26 May, 9, 16, 23 June. 6.30 - 9.30 pm
7) Isolation and getting a handle on life - Free Open Evening
Isolation and getting a handle on life - Free Open Evening
Many people find it difficult to get a handle on life, leading them to feelings of isolation, being different and being outside the mainstream of life. This can be very troubling when a person is in fact in the centre of things such as their family, their community or organisation. Feeling isolated while being with people is not an easy place to be. This evening will look at the various forces and pulls that can leave us tired, isolated and no one even noticing.
One outcome from the evening will be less tiredness and isolation and more energy.
This free introductory program is designed as an introduction to the upcoming series called Getting a handle on life.
8) Being Male - a balancing act
Being male is and always has been a balancing act. This workshop is designed to have you identify what keeps knocking you off balance, why and what to do next. Ever feel life is a series of close calls and you’re just scraping through intact? Barely managing to stay upright? So many of the components that drive, shift and twist the course of our lives remain unseen, but they needn’t. The power of perspective allows us to truly see the forces we allow to effect us and in turn those around us. With this greater awareness you can develop some, intentions, action plans and begin making adjustments as required.
Find your unique balance point
For many, being balanced if a rarity, so much so that the balance point is barely known or understood. Work life balance. Balancing time with the kids, partner, family, and mates. Balancing the books? For each of us balance, and lack of it, will look and feel very different.
Through a range of creative and engaging processes we’ll uncover where you’re currently at; the life that you lead and the life you don’t, allowing you to come to your own conclusions about a place of balance in your life.
Program Details:
Who? The weekend will be facilitated by Peter Howie B.Sc, TEP
When? Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 September. 10 am – 5.30 pm
Where? 45 Clarence St Coorparoo - near Coorparoo rail station, plenty of parking available
How Much? $225 for the weekend, tea and coffee included (BYO Lunch).
9) Self development on Saturday
This program is an experiential self development program being run on two consecutive Saturday afternoons. The dates are February Saturdays 21 & 28 from 1 - 5 pm - Peter Howie is running it and the cost is $70 per afternoon or $120 for both.
What we will be doing
These afternoons will be a good introduction to group work and working with the psychodramatic method. Participants wil be encouraged to bring forward areas of concern or interest in their lives. This may be problematic areas or areas of future interestsuch as "What will I get up to this year?" or "What do I really want to do about....?".
The psychodrama method is a creative way of using action methods to exapnd our abilities for clear thinking and clear feeling about areas of our lives. The method relies on assisting you to develop your own spontaneity in order to develop your own ideas and creative solutions to areas of interest.
Peter Howie will be running these two afternoon and they will suit both experienced people and those with little or no experience in group work. They will also suit people considering psychodrama training and wanting to get a better or bigger picture of it and how it can be used.
Either or Both
You are welcome to come to either or both weekends. They are priced to be slightly less expensive if you attend both. You are welcome to come to the first one and decide there if you will come back for the second one.
10) Experiential psychodrama development weekend series - claiming life!
These experiential psychodrama development weekend programs are about developing fluidity, authenticity and staking a claim in life. These psychodrama programs can be undertaken individually or as part of a year long series or other combination. They will expand a participant's functioning, performance in life and sense of purpose and joy.
Psychodrama development weekend programs
Self Protection and strategic withdrawals
Many times a person is forced through circumstances and context to withdraw themselves from life. This might be for protection or security. It could be to create safety or wellbeing. It might be done to make life simple or have more ease. It might be done as an old habit. It might be a self defeating behaviour which is in awareness or acted unconsciously. In these programs you will find ways to become familiar with some older modes of living, imagine and create new ways of acting and prepare yourself for a new claim on life.
What to expect
As the sessions unfold you can expect to open up to hitherto unknown or hidden aspects of your being. You will likely be surprised to discover that this is not as frightening as you may have previously imagined. On the contrary, this will cause you to really appreciate abilities which had long been ignored or forgotten. You will find the ability to integrate roles which had previously been expressed in a fragmented form. This expansion process leads to a greater appreciation of life and a larger vision of your future.
Psychodrama method
The psychodrama method is a remarkable method. It is ideally suited to exploring and uncovering distant memories, the veiled dreams of our youth and the heart and bringing these home. Learning to accept our deepest dreams and take bold decisions for life are part and parcel of this method. It is purpose built for the bold explorer who has lost their boldness and the timid liver who does not dare to hope.
A group process
The method is a group process where each person contributes in one way or another to the outcome of all. Using dramatic methods to bring inner dreams to life we will find how some dreams are unique but many are from the well of common humanity. Likewise we will find that some of the reasons enjoyment remains fleeting are ours alone to overcome while some are familiar to one and all.
Adequate safety means room to experiment
This method of working with a group places emphasis on the development of easy, authentic and enjoyable relationships in the group. There is an emphasis on appropriate levels of safety and this enables an easy camaraderie to develop. Group members will be encouraged to step beyond the familiar, the tired and the old ways. The psychodrama process is a considered process. Sometimes the emphasis is on thoughts. Sometimes the emphasis is on feelings. Sometimes the emphasis is on actions. Sometimes it is on making sense of the context. Most often it is focusing on one of these areas being out of whack!
The Weekend Format
At present there are 4 weekend programs for the year. Others will be developed as the year progresses. Stay tuned.
The themes for each weekend are designed to be complimentary. They are designed to build as the year progresses. They are designed as a beginning point for each weekend. Once the weekend program has begun then the weekend will unfold to meet your wishes and your concerns. These are not educational programs to teach you about the theme. You will learn what you and others think about the theme. The theme is like the Roma St Station - a place to start before wandering far and wide.
The themes are:
Finding freedom - the revolution of this century
Expanding heart - making space and living big
Learning to live - taking light into the grey spaces
Taking it to the generations - embedding life for all time
11) Finding freedom - the revolution of this century
This experiential psychodrama development weekend has as its theme Finding Freedom - the Revolution of this Century. Finding freedom is revolutionary and many leaders have worked hard to develop it in themselves and others. Paulo Friere for instance, Nelson Mandela is another. However finding freedom in our own lives is often difficult.
Finding Freedom - the Revolution of this Century
Knowing our own conserves
Psychodrama is a powerful way to get to know ourselves. Getting to know ourselves includes getting to know:
- our preferences
- our biases
- the larger context and our response to it
- what we value in the way we already are
- what we don't accept about ourselves and what we don't accept about others
- our realistic and unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others
When we explore this with psychodrama we discover what we have created and what we have then conserved in our life. The things we have conserved include what we like about ourselves and also what we don't like about ourselves. It also includes how we see ourselves. The creator of psychodrama was keen to have people learn freedom in their daily lives. This meant finding a way to become free from out-of-date conserves.
Creating a new conserve
Psychodrama is a revolutionary process. It is revolutionary because it expands our current conserve. This expansion is brought about in a simple fashion. It is brought about through the application of spontaneity to areas of interest and concern. Spontaneity is the energy required to bring creativity into life. When creativity is flowing then our conserves are updated, renewed and freed up.
A technology of freedom
Psychodrama encourages freedom by this process of loosening up old conserves. Once old conserves are loosened up then a person can take stock of their lives in a new and different fashion. They can decide to make changes or they can make changes there and then. These changes can be effectuated through role training or other form of practice in the group.
Outcomes from the weekend
Participants can expect:
- Greater fluidity and freedom in their lives
- Greater freedom to consider their future
- To feel more alive and peaceful
- Invigorated and stimulated
- To have work to take away and mull over
12) Expanding heart - making space and living big
This experiential psychodrama development weekend has as its theme Expanding heart - making space and living big. An expanding heart is a requirement for living big. Living big is a term that relates to enjoying life as it is, and as it comes. Not flinching, not backing off but facing life head on. Living in this way is revolutionary and many leaders have worked hard to develop it in themselves and others. Paulo Friere for instance, Nelson Mandela is another. Living big is no easy ride.
13) A brief overview of the experiential development programs run though Psychodrama Australia
These programs are designed for people wanting to enrich and expand their lives, and to settle into living in a more joyous manner. These self development groups use what are called experiential processes that rely on action and experience in the gorups, rather than on words alone. The 'development' these programs are aimed at, is the kind of development that is more than insight or good ideas. It is the kind of development you can practice and explore, refine and extend. No experience of group work, or psychodrama, is required to come along and have a fantastic time in these programs.
Focus for your development
Each of these programs runs along similar principles. They start with a focus or a stimulus provided by us, and you then begin to develop an area of your life that you would like to work on. This area could be a current, past, or a future relationship. The area could be a level of unhappiness with one or other aspect of the way you live your life now. Such as, living your lfie with more self-confidence, or self-awareness, or self-expression, or with less big worries and concerns. The area you may want to develop could be a desire to explore your untapped potential, to discover untouched resources in yourself and your life, or to rediscover past dreams and get them back. Usually after reading here, or feeling a need to changes in their life, a person will then read the material on each of these programs and consider coming along. in 2012 hthe programs are designed to be run either as a one off series of for the whole year.
Getting to know others, others getting to know you
After chatting with me, or discussing through email, about your purpose for coming, the first evening arrives and the group has its first session. At this session you and the others participants will be involved with a range of straightforward ways to get to know why others are there and to let them know why you are. As we get to know one another the group develops cohesion, a level of trust that enables deeper sharing and work, and an enjoyment of the learning process.
Learning from one another
You will find yourself being influenced and affected by what others are working on and learning, as they will learn from you. This influence comes from your own learning and wisdom, as well as how you are in your life, and how you act in the group itself. This group process is designed to maximise the learning potential by drawing on the wisdom and life experience of both you and all the participants.
Getting into it
As the group proceeds, you and others will find yourselves settling down to work and making use of the times the group is together, as well as the times in-between for quiet reflection and further learning. Each participant can expect to work a number of times on their own issues, at depth, as well as participate in the deep learning of others.
Nine sessions in one series and a weekend intensive in the other
The following three programs, each contain nine sessions. Each participant is asked to commit themselves to coming to each session (if at all possible). There are seven evening sessions and one Saturday of two sessions (10 am - 5 pm). Participants are welcome and encouraged to come to more than one of these series, as the benefits from the work will continue to build. in 2012 the programs are designed to be run either as a series for the whole year though they can be taken individually.
Attending both programs.
Consider attending both and making this a year of growth, expansion and embracing life. You would then be opening yourself to a substantial process of self-development. Please call Peter on 0411 873 851 or email him to discuss your requirements. If you are prepared to undertake this three series of programs there is a significant discount. Click on the series to read the focus for that series.
Experiencing the method
These workshops will be useful for participants who would like to experience the psychodrama method and are considering further training in it in the future. A number of techniques and methods will be presented and participants will become familiar with these as they collaborate one with another.
The group leader
Peter, the group leader will work with you and with the other group members to develop a great environment for learning, play, discussion and dialogue, imagination and rest.
14) Self Development - Making Changes
Making Changes is the theme for this weekend psychodrama intensive. Participants are invited to come along and to work collaboratively to clarify and to make the changes in their lives that are important for them. Sometimes a person comes to a workshop like this because they have been yearning to make substantial changes and they want to begin, but are unclear where and how and even if they really want to. Sometimes participants in these groups discover that they can do better by accepting themselves more. Or they can find more happiness if they are less punishing of themselves. Sometimes people come because they suspect something is required and do not know what it might be. Often times a person comes to a workshop such as this and finds they really need to take a break from making changes, which may be a change in itself.
Psychodrama is a group method which focuses on the development of creativity within group participants in order from that individual creativity to produce new results for old problems or produce whole new outlooks of life.
In this workshop series you and your fellow participants will spend time stimulating your imaginations and spontaneity with regards creating significant positive developments in your lives. In the collaborative, secure and confidential setting you will have time to develop your capacity to work on the areas of your life that are crying out for change. If you have been part of the workshops series then during these sessions you will be actively developing your dreams for yourself and your life with artistry, imagination and love.
This workshop will be useful for participants who would like to experience the psychodrama method and are considering further training in it in the future. A number of techniques and methods will be presented and participants will become familiar with these as they collaborate one with another.
Peter, the group leader will work with you and with the other group members to develop a great environment for learning, play, discussion and dialogue, imagination and rest.
15) Self development – Flying high – diving deep
This workshop series is designed for anyone who is willing to take the time, and has the time, to focus on what is important to them. The workshop theme of going deep relates to the capacity of the psychodrama method to uncover important elements in a person’s life and fully take these into account. Depth can relate to depth of feeling such as mirth, love, gratitude, joy, appreciation, suffering, caring, sadness, bliss, or it can relate to depth of intention, purpose, or goal, or it can relate to depth of creativity, vision, or freedom. Flying high relates to the removal of barriers, the dissolving of worries, the emergence from painful or troubling issues or to connection or reconnection with spiritual ideals, feelings or experiences that can allow a person to feel like they are flying.
Between diving and flying participants will be able to focus on the mundane and day-to-day problems that life brings and see where diving or flying might make a positive difference in their lives. Psychodrama is a group method which focuses on the development of creativity within group participants in order from that individual's creativity to produce new results for old problems or produce whole new outlooks of life. Some people come along simply in order to feel creative again in their own life.
In this workshop series you and your fellow participants will spend time stimulating your imaginations and spontaneity with regards creating significant positive developments in your lives. In the collaborative, secure and confidential setting you will have time to develop your capacity to work on the areas of your life that are crying out for change. If you have been part of the workshops series then during these sessions you will be actively developing your dreams for yourself and your life with artistry, imagination and love.
Peter, the group leader will work with you and with the other group members to develop a great environment for learning, play, discussion and dialogue, imagination and rest.
16) Seven League Boots
Seven League Boots are boots that can assist you to take great strides in your life. Seven League boots are an element in European folklore. The boots allow the wearer to take great strides—seven leagues each step—resulting in great speed. The boots are often presented by a magical character to the protagonist to aid in the completion of a significant task. A league is three miles, so seven leagues is 21 miles or just under 35 kilometres.
Your imagination is a powerful tool. It can work for you or against you. It can serve your worries, or serve your dreams. It can fuel your fears, or give birth to new hope. For many of us, the active use of the imagination is reserved for such things as creating artwork, writing poetry, making movies, writing novels, drawing stories, cooking, making music, or left for some future time when there is space to do it. Sometimes it is simply something other people do. Imagination is rarely applied to other important areas of our lives. Taking time to use your imagination in the service of the whole of your life is a valuable contribution to yourself and those around you in your life.
The psychodrama method is a great one for stimulating a person to wander through their life context and work out where to apply more imagination and creatively, with lifefulness. Be it the life context of family, friends, work, or play. Be it the life context of your view of yourself, or your view on life. The psychodrama method also allows a person to strap on some ‘Seven League Boots’ and make some substantial changes to the way they see and live their life.
In this workshop series you and your fellow participants will spend time stimulating your imaginations and spontaneity with regards creating significant positive developments in your lives. In the collaborative, secure and confidential setting you will have time to develop your capacity to work on the areas of your life that are crying out for change. If you have been part of the workshops series then during these sessions you will be activley developing your dreams for yourself and your life with artistry, imagination and love.
Peter, the group leader will work with you and with the other group members to develop a great environment for learning, play, discussion and dialogue, imagination and rest. Peter will be ably assisted by Neil who is an advanced psychodrama trainee, a wise soul, an experienced dramatist and a G.P.
17) Life is too important to leave it to the gods
“Life is too important to leave it to the gods,” is an attitude that suggests that life, your life, is worth taking the time to understand, that it can be understood, and that it is not all out of your control or ‘in the lap of the gods’.
You and I are pulled and pushed by a many different forces and challenges. These can come from the very things we have in our lives that are there to support us such as from work, study, family, friends, our church, or neighbours. These forces and challenges can come because of the presence of these things being in our lives. They can also come because of their absence and our wishing they were in our lives. Sometimes the challenges appear to lie with my idea of myself, how I was raised to think and see the world and how I responded to that nurturing, how I have learned to respond to others, perhaps my religious upbringing, and my ideas about how I should deal with it all.
These are complex areas. As we progress in life we develop some useful ways of making sense of these difficulties. These ways can range from avoidance of the issue, through to engagement and attempts to change the rules about how everything appears to be. Often we apply one way in one situation and another somewhere else. We might avoid our family problems while taking up work issues. Or vice versa. We might complain about our own problems as too big and insoluble while freely giving advice to others about how to solve their own impossible problems.
Exploring life with psychodrama is a safe, enjoyable, and fun way to get to know yourself better and to get to unpick some of the complexities you are facing. This workshop series will help you get to understand your life situation more clearly, and your response to that situation. You will begin to work out what may be undermining you in your life and start to change that or your reaction to it. There will be an opportunity to begin to get familiar with the real dreams that might drive you. We will take time to consider where you are in your life and where you might like to be. This same method that is useful for investigating the past is brilliant for picturing and exploring the future. It can also simply focus on current life problems. These workshops can help you to have more creativity and energy in your life, and assist with your personal growth.
18) Free Open Evening on People, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
When dealing with people, be they family, friends, work colleagues or new acquaintances, there is a need to understand them and a need to be understood. For a moment, lets take a leaf from St Francis where he suggests "Seek first to understand rather than to be understood". Well, we also know that trying to understand other people and delving into what makes them who they are is not easy task. Often we are often confronted by things we could quite easily label in the other person as good, or bad, or ugly. If we label it as good we move towards them. If we label it as bad we move away and if we label it as ugly we may recoil in horror. Or, just perhaps, it's our own internal machinations and responses that either appeal to us or cause us to recoil in horror?
There is a teaching we promote at Moreno which is "What we don't know we make up" based on the idea that human beings are meaning-making creatures. When we have labelled someone or stereotyped someone or pigeon-holed someone as good, bad or ugly, how do we approach them, remain connected to ourselves, compassionate and not be abhorred or have our own stuff triggered so that we fragment? Often when we let our worry of who we are move into the back ground, bring the other person to the foreground and enter their world. If we can do this we lose our fears of them and in the same process find ourselves the humanity of the other person.
Getting with people in a compassionate but but safe way is a valuable skill that can be learned and practiced. It is essential for parents, teachers, counsellors, mentors and leaders. A part of this is called empathy, another is colloquially called "getting with the other person" in NLP they talk of second perceptual position, in psychodrama they talk of doubling and role reversal. This free open evening is about increasing your understanding of how to increase your capacity to perceive others clearly. Develop real relationships. To be authentic and not to have to be the centre of attention.
19) Taking a new look at life – creating myself
Outgrowing your dreams
The initial focus of this series will be for participants to expand their imagination and pictures of life. We will deal with the remnants of past dreams, ghost dreams, the dreams others grafted into us, the dreams we made at another time for another place, and the dreams we still harbour in our hearts. Oftentimes a person finds that they are living a life that they designed for themselves, but they designed it years ago, at another time in their life. Or it was a vision designed for them, by someone else, and they have simply grown into it. When this occurs a person will often want to cast around for new ways to see themselves. They may try out novel approaches of how to live their life. They may engage in the types of behaviour that are often referred to as ‘mid-life crises’. Sometimes people become worried, depressed or disheartened that life has not lived up to its promises. In reality their purpose in life was developed much earlier in their lives, and has never been revisited, or perhaps was never really questioned to begin with.
Where are they taking you
This series will begin with participants reflecting in action, on their life’s purposes to date. They will be encouraged to consider and explore in action the origins of these dreams, desires and drives and to determine their current usefulness or whether these dreams, desires and drives may be simply out of date or need a brush up or repaint. Following a dream that no longer suits may be worse than having no dream at all? Standing still when wanting to travel somewhere, is much more useful that driving fast, in a sharp car, in the opposite direction.
A life examined...
The series will work to ensure that each participant is following a vision and purpose that suits them now and for the future. The vision may be one of rest, of reflection, of renewal, of rebuilding, of exploration, of energy, of rejuvenation. How does a person know if their vision is any good? We will examine this and each person will decide for themselves. Without my inadvertently shooting any sacred cows, just because a vision is blissful does not mean it is any good for a person.
As with the earlier programs, the work will follow the lead of the participants present and while this is the initial focus, it will undoubtedly develop and shift as the work progresses and we influence one another.
20) Working things through - Developing creativity - June 27 - Aug 8th
Often when a person becomes aware of a problematic area of their lives, they apply time-tested problem solving and solution finding methods. Sometimes this produces great results. Sometimes this deepens the dilemma because the dilemma does not solve easily and the process creates newer frustrations to add to the already existing ones. In community life, organisational life and the larger world generally, a term has come to be used to describe very difficult problems. The term is ‘wicked problems’. A wicked problem is one defined by complex processes, interacting in ways that are obscure, and that require enormous efforts to make even a small difference, if any.
Wicked personal problems
Many people have problematic areas of their lives that are the personal equivalent of a ‘wicked problem’. Sometimes this leads to a person avoiding the issue entirely because of its ‘wicked’ or ‘too hard’ nature. Unfortunately, as many of us have experienced, this generally does not make them go away.
Using action to enhance creativity
This series will focus on those areas of participants’ lives where their capacity to solve the wicked problems on their own or with one or two others, has not produced results. This area may be in the family, it may be a work related issue, it may be about how a person relates to their children or their children relate to them, it could be about friends or colleagues. It could be about how you have come to see the world. It could be about the choices you have made up until now. The work will focus on developing the spontaneity required to create new and adequate solutions to old and sometimes intractable problems. It will also be a great adjunct for people getting support from a coach, counsellor, therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist.
The work will follow the lead of the participants present and while this is the initial focus, it will undoubtedly develop and shift as the work progresses and we influence one another.
Series 2: June 27, July 4, 11, 18, 25 Aug 1 Saturday 6th, 8th (Mondays from 6.30 pm - 9.30 pm Saturday 10 am - 5 pm)