At the heart of psychodrama is spontaneity, ‘a readiness for a free and vital response to the emerging moment’[1]. Spontaneity is imbued with both the creative (vital, flexible, free-flowing, new) and the relational (responsive, here and now, purposeful). All these qualities are essential to the production of a psychodrama. The more spontaniety we bring as a director producing an enactment, or as an auxiliary producing a relationship, the more we assist the protagonist to bring the enactment to life and for new responses to emerge.
In this workshop we will experiment, using improvisation, imagination and metaphor, to bring spontaneity to enactments. There will be a focus on:
· Playing with improvisation routines that build warm-up to fuller expression,
· Recognising the difference between impulsivity and intuition,
· Translating intuition into action, and
· Producing metaphor to step aside from a problem-solution paradigm.
This training workshop is suitable for people who want to develop their use of psychodramatic action methods in their work as educators, coaches, trainers, therapists and group workers. People with experience in psychodrama and those new to the method, are welcome.