Learning styles and the Open Learner
Many of us are committed to an on-going process of learning throughout our lives. We each have many experiences which assists us to develop. How we learn, explore and process those experiences can assist us or hinder us in learning. A person can be an open learner, a most helpful style to integrate and process experiences and communication. Other styles of learning include being a dependent learner, an anxious learner or a fighting learner.
In this workshop we will consider and explore the many learning styles to assist us when working with a variety of people, as well as in our own evolution.
It will assist us to be alert to the particular personality and role systems a person enacts and how that person explores and learns from a particular experience. It will also assist us as to integrate roles we enact in response to anothers efforts to learn.
The focus of this workshop is for participants to develop abilities in themselves to be loving companions and to assist each other to live out their life purpose and vision. Psychodrama examines the individual’s relationship with relevant others. It also take into consideration the nature of the ‘role relationship’ that takes place within the relationships – these roles make up the areas are called a ‘social and cultural atom.’ Through the process of enactment and group process the protagonist and the group members will develop abilities to ‘place themselves in an others shoes’, role reverse, and to make conscious choices about how and when to relate to others. Psychodrama is a systemic approach and participants will learn about people and systems that promote or stunt our development.
The Psychodramatic method assists participants to increase their spontaneity and creativity through active participation. This participation includes group work, enactment and theoretical mini lectures. The program will assist in developing leadership and will lead to increasing abilities in relating to others. The training assists in developing confidence in group presentations and in the development of interpersonal and group skills.
This program is designed for professional people who are involved in health, theatre, management, leadership, consultancies, coaching, mentoring , supervision, art, writing, teaching, human potential and creative therapies. The process will assist in the deepening of abilities to step into the shoes of others and this will contribute to the effectiveness of those who are therapists, counsellors, psychotherapists, health workers, managers, trainers and educators, actors, artists, writers and poets. Supervised practice for advanced psychodrama trainees is also an aspect of this program.
The course will consist of enactment, group participation and discussion. Participants are expected to be actively involved, in both days. The learning of new skills may be emotionally challenging and participants are required to have abilities to sustain their life and are participating in areas such as studies, employment, social and creative activities.
New participants should arrange a face to face or phone interview to connect, to determine the suitability of this course and for discussion regarding the training contract.
A certificate of attendance will be given on request and may be used for points towards required professional development and psychodrama certification. The training hours are recognised by Psychodrama Australia and can lead to certification as a psychodramatist, sociodramatist, role trainer or sociometrist.
Richard Hall is a Counselling Psychologist and Psychodramatist. He is a trained Special Education consultant and a trained teacher of the deaf. He is a director of Psychodrama Australia and conducts training and supervision in Melbourne and Canberra. Richard places high value on people becoming themselves, on inclusivity and the development of the creativity of the individual. Richard leads celebrations of life and death. He has a passion for music, has conducted an orchestra and choir for many years and is a competent trumpeter and singer. He has run personal development groups for the general public for 27 years and has an ease and flow with the psychodramatic method. He is warm and companionable and has a commitment to a humane world
Annette Fisher Psychodramatist, Trainer, Educator and Practitioner. A trainer and director with Psychodrama Australia, an Occupational Therapist and a relationship and family therapist. She is a consultant and psychotherapist in private practice and is a practicing visual artist with a BA (visual) with Honours. She has experience in the areas of mental health, community, and health and community development. She has presented sessions at Australian and international conferences on the application of the psychodramatic method. She has a commitment to the profession of counselling and psychotherapy and has been involved in the development of professional organisations for this career. She has published articles in Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association’s journal.