Staying 'alive' in a system that can stifle - Perth
We live and work in a world of systems – family, work, community and organisations. What we see and what sense we make of events and relationships, influences our capacity to respond creatively and how we are impacted. You are invited to explore through action methods, the systems in which you work and live, to assist you to keep your life and creativity.
This workshop will be beneficial to change agents, organisational developers, trainers, consultants, researchers, family therapists, community workers and customer service officers.
In this workshop, together we will:
- Experience and appreciate the relationships within the system and the dynamics operating
- Appreciate the social and cultural ‘map’ of the systems and the expectations that this may generate
- Explore our individual roles and areas of influence
Tea and coffee provided - bring light lunch to share in the courtyard.
RSVP: Kaye Keam Email : kayekeam@gmail.com Ph: 9382 2883, Mob: 0418 900 312