PSYCHODRAMA TRAINING - Core, Intermediate and Advanced Training - Perth Campus - 2024
Core | What | When |
| Tr/Hrs | Cost | ||||
| Introduction To Training – all new and current trainees | FEB: Sat 10th 1:00-4:00pm | Meet the Elders All Trainees are invited to meet with Lynette Clayton and Susanna Howlett – mutual engagement.
| 3 | $25 | ||||
| Special Psychodrama Experiential Workshop | FEB: Sat 17th 1pm – 6pm | Gathering the learning and warmup to the new year Special Year Starter for Trainees and those who have been to Psychodrama. What is in our backpack that serves us for the journey? How do we make it not too heavy, not too light, but just right! | 5 | $125 | ||||
1 | TRAINING WEEKEND WORKSHOP | MAR: Sat 16th 9:30-5:00pm; Sun17th 9:30-4:00pm Psychodrama Method and Moreno’s Philosophy
| 13 | $350 | |||||
| TRAINING - Processing | Tues MAR 19th 6-9pm For intermediate/Advanced – Processing, supervision, writing – at 99 Loftus Street, Leederville
| 3 | $50 | |||||
2 | TRAINING WEEKEND WORKSHOP | APR Sat 20th 9:30-5:00pm; Sun 21st 9:30-4:00pm Role Theory and Roles of Director, Auxiliary, Group leader | 13 | $350 | |||||
| TRAINING - Processing | Mon 22nd APR 6-9pm – For intermediate/Advanced – Processing, supervision, writing at 99 Loftus Street, Leederville
| 3 | $50 | |||||
3 | TRAINING WEEKEND WORKSHOP | MAY Sat 18th 9:30am - 5:00; Sun 19th 9:30am - 4:00pm Exploring Family, social & Cultural Systems
| 13 | $350 | |||||
| TRAINING - Processing | Tues May 21st 6-9pm – For intermediate/Advanced – Processing, supervision, writing at 99 Loftus Street, Leederville | 3 | $50 | |||||
4 | TRAINING WEEKEND WORKSHOP | JUNE Sat 15th 9:30am - 5:00pm; Sun 16th 9:30am-4:00pm Sociometry - Our Relational World | 13 | $350 | |||||
| Directing Practice – and Processing | JUNE Mon 24th 6-9pm: Directing Practice and Session Processing for Trainees
| 3 | $50 | |||||
| Semester 2 – July –Dec | ||||||||
Core | What | When | Tr/hrs | cost | |||||
| JULY Sat 20th 9:30-5:00pm; Sun 21st 9:30- 4:00pm Sociodrama –identifying and actioning key interventions When to use Sociodrama; Using Psychodrama and Role Training in sociodrama And a processing time for the same day – later on Sunday | 13 | $350 | |||||
| TRAINING - Processing | Sun 21st 4:30-5:45pm – For intermediate/Advanced – Processing, supervision, writing (Trainers away from Mon 22nd - Trainers Forum in Melbourne for the week) | 3 | $50 | |||||
| AUGUST Sat 17th 9:15am - 5:15; Sun 18th 9:15am - 4:15pm Group Work – a key to psychodrama and healing | 13 | $350 | |||||
| TRAINING - Processing | TUES Aug 20th 6-9pm – For intermediate/Advanced – Processing, supervision, writing at 99 Loftus Street, Leederville | 3 | $50 | |||||
7 | TRAINING Visiting Trainer – Diz Synnot
| SEPTEMBER Sat 21st 9:30- 5pm; Sun 22nd 9:30-4pm Workshop content to be advised. | 13 | $350 | |||||
| TRAINING - Processing | MON Sept 23rdh 6-9pm – For intermediate/Advanced – Processing, supervision, writing at 99 Loftus Street, Leederville | 3 | $50 | |||||
| Processing | Tues Oct 29th 6-9pm – For intermediate/Advanced – Processing, supervision, writing – Certification Preparation at 99 Loftus Street, Leederville | 3 | $50 | |||||
| End of Year Get-together | DECEMBER
| Date to be decided | 3 | $25 | ||||
| 4-day intensive EXPERIENTIAL AND TRAINING With Claire Guy and Helen Phelan | OCTOBER Fri 18th, Sat 19st; Sun 20th and Mon 21st Planned times, subject to change closer to the time. Fri 5-9pm, other days 9:30-4:30 Includes Directing practice sessions, processing, writing, and reflection session and Group work Leadership. at Royal Park, Cnr Loftus and Charles Street, Leederville | 25 | $500
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VENUE will be : Lesser Hall, North Perth, 22 View Street, North Perth, WA 6006 unless indicated.
Tea and Coffee Provided, also snacks. Lunches – bring food to share or access local coffee, food and supermarket nearby. | |||||||||
Training Application and Commitments.
Applications for Enrolment are now open and each applicant will be required to complete an interview before confirmation of enrolment. Each Trainee will be required to have a negotiated and signed Training Agreement.
Please contact Helen Phelan: M 0407 225 116 or Kevin Franklin: M 0478 641 763, . hjphelan@iinet.net.au, kevfrank@westnet.com.au
Core Training for Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Trainees Enrolled Trainees are asked to commit to the Training Introduction evening and all 7 core TRAINING workshops. $2,450 Plus – for Intermediate/Advanced Trainees Special post Training Workshop Processing/Writing 7 Sessions : $ 350
Total Full Year Core Training for Intermed/Advanced Full year Total $2,800 Early Bird: Discount of Full Year if Paid before 1 March $2,600. Contact Helen for Other Discounts or payment plans to be applied for and paid/first payment before 1 March.
All applicants are required to have an interview before attending TRAINING. All Trainees will be required to complete a Training Agreement including a commitment to Supervision. This is a requirement by Psychodrama Australia.
Trainees can choose to attend individual TRAINING workshops – Commitment and Payment at least two weeks before each workshop.
Experiential/Open workshops and the 4-day Intensive to be paid separately Casual participants eligible to attend individual Core Training workshops may pay for individual workshops -Commitment to Attend and Payment to be received 14 days before each Workshop . Please look for updates on the Psychodrama Australia website from Feb on. www.psychodramaaustralia.edu.au