PSYCHODRAMA TRAINIG WORKSHOP 3 - Spontaneity, Living in the Present
Spontaneity – living in the present
Participants in this workshop can expect to revitalise themselves as group members, auxiliaries in dramas, as protagonists and as directors of dramas. You will also expand your understanding of what Moreno means by spontaneity as you engage in this recursive experiential learning experience.
Working and living in the moment is the key.
This Workshop will be led by visiting Trainer MARTIN PUTT from Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.
People who have attended some psychodrama, as well as Trainees, will find this workshop brings new insights to whatever field you work in, and in your relationships..Peope new to psychodrama will need to attend interview with Helen Phelan.
Refreshments will be provided, and you are welcome to bring you own lunch or explore nearby cafes and shops.
REGISTER REQUIRED BY MAY 1st - WITH HELEN PHEAN hjphelan@iinet.net.au 0407225116 or KEVIN FRANKLIN kevfrank@Westnet.com.au