Experiential Workshop - Psychodrama One-Day Open Workshop - Perth
Explore psychodrama and experience more creative responses in your life and work!
Psychodrama is an active and enlivening method which aims to increase spontaneity, strengthen relationships, and build community.
At its heart, psychodrama values authenticity and imagination, and provides opportunities to be free of repetition, and enhancing growth and self-reliance. On the psychodrama stage our relationship with our self, and with others can be revised and enriched so we may feel connected to the universe again. Entering our own and each other’s worlds with a spirit of play, experimentation, and generosity we will use the truth and magic of the psychodramatic method to ignite spontaneity and revive our creative spirit.
Open to trainees and those new to psychodrama to experience the method and to explore possibilities of application in many professional and life situations. Topics emerging from the group can be explored.
If you're a professional educator, manager, HR / organisational change agent, counsellor, teacher, facilitator, psychotherapist, social worker, trainer, or related creative arts, you will find this workshop of benefit.
This one-day taster in Psychodrama is conducted by experienced group practitioners. Please feel free to forward the invitation to others who may be interested.
Refreshments are provided. Bring your own lunch or explore nearbye cafes.
Please Register Early - Contact Helen Phelan hjphelan@iinet.net.au 0407225116