APRIL - Psychodrama Training - Perth - Living Creatively
This workshop assists people to awaken and strengthen their abilities. Psychodrama training provides the opportunity to learn how and why action methods & theory works by increasing our spontaneity and creativity.
This experiential way of working aims to develop more flexibility and vitality, enhancing all aspects of professional and personal life.
Participants will experience practices and concepts that are at the heart of learning through action. Abilities to work with groups and individuals in a range of settings such as health, education, training, community and organisations are enhanced.
When: Sat & Sun 11th & 12th April Weekend Workshop;
Sat 9.30am – 4.30pm (Registration 9:15am); Sun 11:00am - 6:00pm
Cost: $360 (Early Bird 10% discount if paid by 31st March 2015)
For further information contact Kaye Keam Email: kayekeam@gmail.com
Ph: (08) 9382 2883 Mob: 0418 900 312
Tea and coffee provided - bring light lunch to share.