Supervised Practice for Advanced Trainees (3 days)
Friday 19 September - Sunday 21 September 10am-5.30pm each day
This workshop is designed to engender extra integration of the theory and practice of the psychodrama method for trainees at the advanced level. It is for advanced trainees from Melbourne and interstate.
The sessions will include experience as a protagonist, auxillary, group participant, group leader and director. To facilitate integration of learning written tasks will be generated that will assist in a review of aspects of the work of the director and development of the group process.
Emphasis is given to practice conducting a group warm up; conducting an enactment using a wide range of interventions; portions of written work that focus on various aspects of directing and group process.
Participants can expect to refine awkward and underdeveloped aspects of their functioning as directors and group leaders. It is hoped that group members will also benefit from the unifying impact of a companionable group experience.