Sociometry Training Workshop: Mutuality and Group Cohesion
Sociometry has at its core a vision of cohesive groups, interpersonal mutuality and a stable society. Sociometry guides us to explore the psycho-social networks and deeper or hidden structures that affect the groups in which we live and work. The feeling nature of the informal, personal and often invisible systems is an exciting yet threatening field of exploration but the integration of the formal and informal fields can be exceptionally important to the success of a stable, cohesive and productive group.
In this workshop we will explore the sociometric factors that are at play in our groups both in the immediate here-and-now group, as well as other significant groups both past and current. We will be seeking to develop our ability to be the initiators of greater mutuality in relationships and leaders of cohesive groups.
Chris Hosking is a Psychodramatist and a Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (TEP) on the staff of Melbourne Campus, Psychodrama Australia. Chris has conducted training workshops and seminars in psychodrama, sociometry, role training and group work for over 28 years and has been actively involved in supervision of trainees in Australia and New Zealand, Japan, Vietnam, Myanmar and Europe.