Sociodrama Training Workshop: Coming to Grips with Racism
Sociodrama Training Workshop: Coming to Grips with Racism
There is heightened attention right now on racism, its impacts and how it can be overcome. You may be more aware of racism in your professional, community or family life than ever before. Perhaps you find yourself in the middle of conversations about racism, with whatever level of enthusiasm or reluctance that involves. You may be deepening your awareness or gaining fresh perspectives from personal conversations, or from the media, movies, books, or your own reflection.
This workshop offers an opportunity to examine your experiences of coming to grips with racism. Our aim is to create the space for exploration and discovery and for appreciating the challenges and possibilities you may be facing. You will have the opportunity to generate fresh insights and build your resourcefulness.
The workshop is suitable for psychodrama trainees and practitioners, facilitators, educators, leaders and others interested in experiencing sociodrama and further exploring racism. It will involve pre-reading and reflection; sociodramatic enactments; role training; and reflective conversations.
The workshop is being offered in both Melbourne, Australia 20-21 August and Wellington Aotearoa New Zealand 23-25 September.
Jenny Hutt and Bev Hosking are both white (Pakeha) women born and raised in Aotearoa New Zealand. They share a keen interest in sociodrama as a ‘third space’ (outside the home and the public arena) where participants can consider their experiences, have room to find out what they feel and think and develop resourcefulness for their ongoing work. Bev and Jenny have led sociodrama workshops about belonging and social cohesion The Complexity of Belonging; and Beyond Overwhelm, Spectatorship and Debate; intercultural work Finding Your Feet; and about responses to racism New Conversations about Race; and Response-ability in the Here and Now.
Bev Hosking is a counsellor, supervisor and trainer who lives in Wellington Aotearoa New Zealand. She is a Role Trainer; Trainer Educator, Practitioner (AANZPA); and Executive Director of the Wellington Psychodrama Training Institute. For many years Bev has been interested in exploring a range of creative approaches that promote social dialogue and the formation of cohesive communities.
Jenny Hutt is a facilitator, coach and consultant who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is a Sociodramatist; Trainer Educator, Practitioner (AANZPA); and Director of Training at Psychodrama Australia’s Melbourne Campus. Jenny is an associate with the Burbangana Group, an Aboriginal owned and led consulting company.