Event Cost:
$25 - enrol here and pay at the door
Here’s a chance to notice, reflect on and savour some of your experiences of life this year…. To consider what has absorbed you, and what has been satisfying, inspiring, challenging, surprising.
This evening session is open to newcomers, psychodrama trainees, practitioners and those who want to experience and observe the group work and action methods of psychodrama.
Jenny Hutt is a Sociodramatist and psychodrama trainer who has worked with groups for over 30 years as a coach, group facilitator and consultant. She is interested in using psychodrama to develop experiences of community.
We'd love to see you there.
Wednesday 25th November, 2015
Start 7:15 pm
Starts 7.15pm, finishes 9.45pm
Northcote Town Hall
189 High Street
Melbourne, VIC