A two-day experiential workshop during which participants will be involved in co-creating dramatic enactments. The evolution of the two days will be shaped by the emergent life of the group.
Participants will be invited to relate to moments of pause, where we stop to notice what’s in and around us. From simple moments of experiencing, to moments that hold great complexity, we will take the time to stay with, to dis-cover and to re-cover our senses. It is an opportunity to slow down and relate to our present exchanges with kin, with strangers, with ourselves and with the living world and what matters to each of us.
Participants can expect to generate a range of experiences of the psychodrama method. It will be of interest to people who wish to expand their capacity to use action methods in their work with individuals and groups, and to those who wish to develop greater flexibility and efficacy in their professional and personal lives.
Attendance at this workshop partially fulfils the application requirements for people intending to enrol in the 2022 Psychodrama Training Program at the Melbourne Campus.
Workshop Leader
Hilde Knottenbelt is a Psychodramatist and Trainer Educator Practitioner (TEP) with over 30 years experience as a teacher,
trainer and educator in experiential learning. She is the Training Group Coordinator
at the Melbourne Campus of Psychodrama Australia and has been on the teaching staff
since 2001. Hilde leads originally-devised Creative Voice groups in the community
using vocal improvisation and story telling. She works in private practice as a counsellor,
supervisor and coach with a range of people, including creative professionals.
Training in Psychodrama at Melbourne Campus
The training run by Psychodrama Australia Melbourne Campus is accredited through
the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc. (AANZPA).
For further details either click on the logo below or go to their website at
www.aanzpa.org <http://www.anzpa.org/>
If you have further questions about psychodrama or psychodrama training you can:
1) Send us a general enquiry or question through our email by clicking here;
2) Browse our Frequently Asked Questions <https://www.psychodramaaustralia.edu.au/faq>
3) Contact Jenny Hutt on 0419 001 691 or Hilde Knottenbelt on 0419 192 187