Psychodrama Training Workshop: Spontaneity and Production
Psychodrama Training Workshop (3 days)
with Jenny Hutt and Hilde Knottenbelt
14-16 May
Spontaneity is a foundational aspect of the psychodrama method. It is central to our view of how change happens. It exists only in the present and cannot be ‘saved up’. It is tangible in our capacity to respond with flexibility, immediacy and vitality in the moment to people and things. It’s related to creating new patterns of living, and while it only exists in the present moment, it can be trained.
In the course of a psychodrama, the spontaneity of the protagonist is enhanced through the use of production techniques. These techniques stimulate the functioning of the protagonist, expand their experience of themselves and through the process of warming up, enable the Protagonist to generate fresh and authentic responses. They facilitate the process of the Protagonist setting out their subjective world and enable explorations of areas of life that are relevant to both the Protagonist and the group.
Over these three days, participants will be engaged experientially in spontaneity training and the practice and art of psychodrama production. It will involve play, practice, demonstrations, teaching and reflection. Pre-reading will be provided.