The Dynamic Nature of the Individual and the Group: a Psychodramatic Perspective
In a psychodramatic exploration we are always mindful of the interpersonal and the interactive systems that are alive and having influence from moment to moment. Psychodrama has at its core an emphasis on the human being as an interpersonal and social being and therefore we see the potential of this method most clearly expressed in a group setting.
In a psychodrama session we will see 3 major transitions between groups. Initially we see a number of individuals drawing together to form a group; next we participate in the enactment of the inner world or inner ‘group’ of a protagonist; then the return to sit as a group to reflect and share our experience and how we are connected.
In this workshop we will develop our ability to lead these 3 phases of a group - the warm-up phase, the enactment and the integration phase. We will consider the dynamic forces at work, roles, and role relationships and emerging resolutions.
Participants can expect to develop their ability to conduct a group warm-up, develop their ability to create the inner world of a protagonist on the stage, and expand their understanding of the individual as an interactive system, and the group as an interactive system.