Psychodrama Training Intensive (4 days residential )
Led by Chris Hosking, Hilde Knottenbelt and Jenny Hutt
Thursday 25 May 11am -Sunday 28 May 4.30pm
This workshop will focus on the different aspects of the psychodrama method that awaken vitality, imagination and flexibility.
With its roots in children’s play and theatre, psychodrama fosters the lively collaborative engagement of group members. Sometimes referred to as ‘the techniques of freedom’, psychodrama brings greater expressiveness and fresh perspectives on interpersonal, existential and social dimensions of experience.
Participants can expect to be engaged in experiential learning, supervised practice, demonstrations, discussion and active reflection. There will be opportunities to address choice points for the psychodramatist that form the basis of ethical responsiveness. Aspects of the method relating to sociometry, role training, sociodrama, psychodrama and spontaneity training will be highlighted at different times.