Psychodrama Training Intensive: Spontaneity, Role Development and 'the Category of the Moment' (4 day residential)
with Hilde Knottenbelt and Charmaine McVea
Psychodrama is founded on two assumptions: firstly, that spontaneity is essential for social atom repair and creative living, and secondly, that we are fundamentally social beings who develop our role repertoire in and through relationship.
Psychodrama enables us to explore our subjective experiences and the contexts (relational, temporal, social and cultural) within which these experiences arise and are felt.
By expanding attention to what exists in the field of subjective experiences we open the way for reworking existing narratives and engaging afresh with the taken for granted.
The ‘category of the moment’, a term coined by J.L. Moreno to capture the moment of being, living and creating, is highlighted by attending to the here-and-now. It is here, in the present moment, with an appropriate warm up, that role development can occur; both within the group and on the stage.
In this four-day residential workshop, there will be a focus on:
· Psychodrama as a collaborative, co-creative process
· Spontaneity and the body/mind
· The relationship between spontaneity and role development
· Developing and sustaining the role of phenomenological inquirer in directing and auxiliary work
· Producing moments of experiencing from the ordinary to the more complex
· Psychodrama principles that guide decision making in the course of an enactment
· Generating and reflecting on experiences
This will come about through engaging in the group process, through auxiliary work, through dramas and through supervised practice, discussion and writing.
This training event is for core, intermediate and advanced trainees engaged in psychodrama training in Australia and overseas.