Psychodrama means to act, to accomplish, to be ready to do. Drama is therefore concerned with combining the act with movement, with exploration and relationships. Psychodrama is one form of drama that aims to enliven the psyche. It has at its core a deep interest in the movement of the human body - what it teaches us and how it can guide us in an exploration of the human psyche.
Participants can expect to strengthen their ability to produce a dramatic enactment and to become more comfortable with the expressiveness of the unique and spirited psyche.
The workshop is for members of the 2022 training group and other advanced trainees.
It is led by Chris Hosking, Psychodramatist, Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (TEP). Chris has worked for many years as a psychodrama trainer, counsellor, individual supervisor and group work supervisor. She leads training workshops in Australia, New Zealand and Greece and has worked for many years for non-government organisations in South East Asia.