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Psychodrama Event

A Place Called Home

Event Cost: 
$20 Book online, pay at the door

Where is the place you call home?  Maybe for you it’s a location. The place you were born and

grew up in. A place you have left behind or one you still revisit. Maybe it’s a place in the world

you love. Or perhaps it’s about feeling connected to yourself and others, wherever you are.


In this evening session you are invited to explore your experiences of a place called home,

by creating, participating in or watching a number of brief enactments.

Likely to be engrossing, poignant and rich, this session is open to anyone interested in

experiencing and observing psychodrama, sociodrama and action methods.

Jenny Hutt is a Sociodramatist and psychodrama trainer who has worked with groups for

over 30 years. She has a particular interest in diversity and inter-cultural learning. Jenny has a love

of landscape and an enthusiasm for both her homes, New Zealand and Australia.

Wednesday 15th July, 2015
Start 7:15 pm
7.15- 9.45pm
Northcote Town Hall
189 High Street Northcote
Melbourne, VIC 3070