Psychodrama Event
Living Creatively - a two-day introduction to psychodrama training
Event Cost:
This training workshop provides opportunities to experience how the psychodrama method assists people to awaken and strengthen their capacities for living creatively.
Over the two days participants will become familiar with practices and concepts at the heart of the psychodrama method. They will also gain an appreciation of the integrated approach taken to training people in psychodrama at Psychodrama Australia’s Melbourne Campus.
It will be of interest to people who wish to expand their capacity to work with groups and individuals in range of settings and who wish to develop greater flexibility and efficacy in their professional and personal lives.
Saturday 31st May, 2014
Start 10:00 am
Sat 31 May 10am-5pm and Sun 1 June 10am-4pm
Abbotsford Convent
1 St Heliers Street
Melbourne, VIC