with Hilde Knottenbelt
Saturday and Sunday 1-2 February 10am- 5pm
Living in the world as sensing, feeling, thinking, acting beings we experience ourselves differently in different contexts. We may be more or less expressive depending on whom we’re with, the physical environment and the circumstances we find ourselves in.
It is in the present moment, between memory and expectation, that we can enlarge our ability to open up fresh ways of being with ourselves and with others. This is where the psychodrama method, with its focus on here-and-now experiencing, offers extraordinary possibilities to develop relational intelligence.
As a group method, psychodrama draws on the resources of the group to further the creative expression of its members. Using a combination of drama, attention to the process of warming up, and a spirit of experimentation and collaboration, group members expand their relational flexibility.
This 2-day workshop will be of interest to people who wish to experience psychodrama for the first time, to reacquaint themselves with this way of working and those who are interested in participating in the 2020 training program. Participants can expect to generate a range of experiences of the psychodrama method and to become familiar with the training approach taken at Melbourne Campus.