Highlighting the Drama in Psychodrama
Drama means to act, to accomplish, to be ready to do. Drama is therefore concerned with
combining the act with movement, with exploration and relationships. Psychodrama is one
form of drama that aims to enliven the psyche. The butterfly and the butterfly wings are the
ancient symbols associated with the psyche which wants to breathe, wants to move, to flow
and gently touch many events and occurrences in the universe.
In this workshop we will give our attention to the dramatic, we will highlight ourselves as
dramatists, artists and theatre lovers and weave this together in what the psyche unfolds to us
moment by moment.
The training will be most relevant to those who have a keen interest in the psychodrama method,
body psychotherapies, drama therapies. Psychodrama has at its core a deep interest in the
movement of the human body - what it teaches us and how it can guide us in an exploration
of the human psyche.
Participants can expect to strengthen their ability to produce a dramatic enactment and to
become more comfortable with the expressiveness of the unique and spirited psyche.