Core Curriculum – Intermediate Training Group
The training curriculum reflects the requirements of the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual and is developed by the staff with reference to the stage of the training group and individual trainees’ learning needs. The first two years of training teach the theory and practice that are essential to the psychodrama method, including sociometry, production techniques, role theory and group work. Hilde Knottenbelt is the training coordinator for this group.
Core Intermediate Training Group
Dates and times
Saturday & Sunday 15-16 March 10.00-5.30
Saturday & Sunday 5-6 April 10.00-5.30
Saturday &Sunday 10-11 May 10.00-5.30
Saturday & Sunday 14-15 June 10.00-5.30
Saturday & Sunday 9-10 Aug 10.00-5.30
Saturday &Sunday 6-7 Sept 10.00-5.30
Saturday & Sunday 4-5 Oct 10.00-5.30
Saturday & Sunday 8-9 Nov 10.00-5.30
Hilde Knottenbelt – Psychodramatist, Trainer, Educator, Practitioner in Training (TEPIT). Hilde has over 25 years experience as a teacher, trainer and educator in experiential learning. She leads originally devised Creative Voice groups in the community using vocal improvisation and story telling. Hilde works in private practice as a counsellor, supervisor and coach with a range of people including creative professionals.
Richard Hall – Psychodramatist, Trainer, Educator, Practitioner in Training (TEPIT). Richard is a counselling psychologist in private practice. He conducts counselling with individuals and couples and runs personal development groups. Richard also works with teachers and professionals in leadership positions.