Clinical Supervision Group: Using Action Methods Theory and Practice
This supervision group is for professionals conducting clinical work in groups and one to one settings, including psychodrama practitioners, trainees and other professionals interested in this approach.
The purpose is to further the development of identity as group leaders, counsellors and individual practitioners, and to develop expertise in leadership and clinical application in groups and one to one settings.
Participants will present relevant aspects of their work. There will be a focus on the dynamics of the individuals involved in a system and/or the dynamics within a group setting. Attention will be given to planning effective clinical and systemic interventions. Action methods theory and practice will inform the work.
The group is led by Richard Hall, Counselling Psychologist, Psychodramatist and staff member of Psychodrama Australia.
Series 1 Five sessions: Feb 12,19, 26, March 4th and 11
Series 2 Five sessions: April 8,15, May 6,13,20
Series 3 Five sessions: July 22, 29, August 5,12,19
Series 4 Five sessions: October 7,14, 21, 28, Nov 4
The supervisions and training run by Psychodrama Australia Melbourne Campus is accredited through the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc. (AANZPA). For further details either click on the logo below or go to their website at www.aanzpa.org <http://www.anzpa.org/>
If you have further questions about this supervisions group, psychodrama or psychodrama training you can
1) Send us a general enquiry or question through our email by clicking here; <https://www.psychodramaaustralia.edu.au/contact-us>
2) Browse our Frequently Asked Questions <https://www.psychodramaaustralia.edu.au/faq>
3) Or contact Jenny directly on 0419 001 691 or Richard on 0412 300 158