In response to migration and refugees, Angela Merkel opened the German border and Donald Trump is putting deportation and building a big wall on his US Presidential ‘to do’ list. Here in Australia, a third of us were born overseas and we are said to live in one of the most successful multicultural nations in the world. Yet successive Australian governments detain asylum seekers off shore, despite clear evidence of the damage this is doing.
This evening session is an invitation for us to consider our experiences, impulses and challenges in coming to grips with our country’s approach to migration, refugees and people seeking asylum. Aspects of the psychodrama method will be used to help us build our connections as we discover more about the things that matter to us.
Led by Jenny Hutt, Sociodramatist, who has a keen interest in race relations, diversity education and intercultural learning. She migrated from New Zealand to Australia 23 years ago.
This is the first in a series of 2016 events designed for us to engage with each other as citizens.