This program provides group supervision for counsellors and therapists who are working in private practice, community groups or in organizations.
The work of being a counsellor or a therapist is demanding, challenging and highly satisfying. At times, it is very helpful to be with others who do similar work and to reflect on and set out the different systems that develop. There will be opportunities to explore difficult and celebratory moments in one-to-one or group work; relationship issues with the client/s; and themes that are problematic.
There is a great benefit derived from working together with colleagues and gaining from the wisdom and experience of each other. Participants are expected to actively involve themselves as presenters and as supervisors of each other.
Psychodramatic action methods will be the primary way of working but no previous experience in psychodrama is necessary.
Brigid Hirschfeld will conduct the program. Brigid has been in private practice as a therapist for over 40 years and has led psychodrama supervision groups for trainees, counsellors and therapists over the last 15 years.
Group Leader: Brigid Hirschfeld
Venue: Natural Therapy Centre, Aubigny Place, Mater Hospital, South Brisbane 4101
Maximum Number in a group: 5 participants
Fee: $320 for 8 sessions
Dates: Wednesdays: 2nd Mar, 6th Apr, 4th May, 1st June, 6th July, 3rd Aug, 7thSept and 5th Oct, 2016
Closing Date 24th February 2016
Times: 9.30am to 11am
Contact: Brigid Hirschfeld, 07 3163 8072
For further information or to discuss the group contact Brigid by phone or email.
Where: To Be Confirmed but near South Brisbane.