Level 1 ReadingsMoreno J.L. (1961) 'The Role Concept, A Bridge Between Psychiatry and Sociology'. In Fox, J., Ed. (1987) The Essential Moreno. Writings on Psychodrama, Group method and Spontaneity. Springer, New York. pp60-65. Clayton, M. (1993), The Concept of Role, In Living Pictures of the Self, ICA Press, Caulfield, Victoria, Ch 2, pp11-28. - Clayton, M. (1994). Role Theory and its Application in Clinical Practice. In Holmes, P. Karp, M. & Watson (eds.) Psychodrama Since Moreno (pp 121-144). Routledge, London.
- Clayton, L. (1982). The Use of the Cultural Atom to Record Personality Changes in Individual Psychotherapy. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry Fall:111-117.
Download articles at the foot of this page Either Levels 1 & 2 Assignment (one page max)a) Choose a moment in a drama where the role naming affected the protagonist’s warm up. Describe the scene and the roles displayed on the stage. b) Identify the role name(s) used and the effect on the protagonist. What did you notice? c) Discuss how it subsequently influenced the drama. Or Levels 1 & 2 Alternate Assignment: in pairs of producer and protagonist (It's ok to talk to each other about this) For producers, write (max 1 page)a) a reflection on your experience of producing a psychodrama enactment, including - The purpose and theme of the drama - What most assisted you, what got in your way as a producer - Any roles you particularly noticed (adequate, overdeveloped, underdeveloped, conflicted or absent roles) - What you noticed assisted the protagonist b) send this to your protagonist. For their protagonists, write (max 1 page) a) your reflection on this drama, including - the theme of your drama - what assisted you, what got in the way of your warm up - name the moments where you gained an new perspective, awareness or insight - what the producer did that most assisted you in your work. b) send a copy of BOTH documents to your producer and to Rollo Level 2 Readings Moreno, Z.T. (1987). Psychodrama, Role Theory and the Concept of the Social Atom. Reproduced in Horvatin, T. & Schreiber, E. (eds.) (2006). The Quintessential Zerka (Article 30). Routledge, London Clayton, M. (1995). The Preparation and Writing of a Social and Cultural Atom Paper. ANZPA Journal. Dayton, T. (2005). Role Theory. in The Living Stage. A Step by Step Guide to Psychodrama, Sociometry and Experiential Group Therapy (Ch.11, pp.149-168).Health Communications, Florida. Dayton, T. (2005). The Social Atom. In The Living Stage. A Step by Step Guide to Psychodrama, Sociometry and Experiential Group Therapy (Ch.7, pp.83-98).Health Communications, Florida. Hill, K. (1999). Mapping Changes In Our Lives: A Presentation and Demonstration of the Social and Cultural Atom as a Working Concept (pp.1-15). ANZPA Thesis.
Download articles at the foot of this page Level 3+ ReadingsBlatner, A. (2000). Applied Role Theory I, II & III. In Foundations of Psychodrama (Fourth Edition) (Ch.15-17, pp.150-187). Springer, New York. Williams, A. (1989). Excerpt on Symmetrical and Complementary Roles. In The Passionate Technique: Strategic Psychodrama with Individuals, Families, and Groups Routledge. P Broom, J. (2010). Towards, Away, Against: Coping Role Strategies as Attachment Styles. ANZPA Journal 19:10-20. Reekie, D. (2009). Please Forget That You Know What ‘Role’ Means.The Pragmatics of Human Functioning. ANZPA Journal 18:33-42.
Download articles at the foot of this page Level 3+ Assignment (max 2 pages)a) Identify a drama you directed or were part of. Name the purpose and theme of the drama. b) Describe two instances how the producer used role naming and role analysis to deepen the work. c) Reflect on what assists you to enliven your role naming. |