Self development programs for 2015
A brief overview of the experiential development programs run though Psychodrama Australia
These programs are designed for people wanting to enrich and expand their lives, and to settle into living in a more joyous manner. These self development groups use what are called experiential processes that rely on action and experience in the gorups, rather than on words alone. The 'development' these programs are aimed at, is the kind of development that is more than insight or good ideas. It is the kind of development you can practice and explore, refine and extend. No experience of group work, or psychodrama, is required for you to come along and have a fantastic time in these programs.
Focus for your development
These programs runs along similar principles. They start with a focus or a stimulus provided by the written material or the theme of the workshops, and then you begin to develop an area of your life that you would like to work on or develop. This area could be a current, past, or a future relationship. The area could be a level of unhappiness with one or other aspect of the way you live your life now. Such as, living your lfie with more self-confidence, or self-awareness, or self-expression, or with less big worries and concerns. The area you may want to develop could be a desire to explore your untapped potential, to discover untouched resources in yourself and your life, or to rediscover past dreams and get them back. Usually after reading here, or feeling a need to make changes in their life, a person will then read the material on each of these programs and consider coming along. in 2015 the programs are designed to be run as a one off series of for the whole year.
Getting to know others, others getting to know you
After chatting with me, or discussing through email, about your purpose for coming, the first evening arrives and the group has its first session. At this session you and the others participants will be involved with a range of straightforward ways to get to know why others are there and to let them know why you are. At the same time you will be introduced to the action methods of psychodrama if you haven;t worked with them already. As we get to know one another the group develops cohesion, a level of trust that enables deeper sharing and work, and an enjoyment of the learning process.
Learning from one another
You will find yourself being influenced and affected by what others are working on and learning, as they will learn from you. This influence comes from your own learning and wisdom, as well as how you are in your life, and how you act in the group itself. This group process is designed to maximise the learning potential by drawing on the wisdom and life experience of both you and all the participants.
Gettling into it
As the group proceeds, you and others will find yourselves settling down to work and making use of the times the group is together, as well as the times in-between for quiet reflection and further learning. Each participant can expect to work a number of times on their own issues, at depth, as well as participate in the deep learning of others.
Nine sessions in each series and a weekend intensive in the other
The program series each contain nine sessions. Each participant is asked to commit themselves to coming to each session (if at all possible). There are seven evening sessions and one Saturday of two sessions (10 am - 5 pm). Participants are welcome and encouraged to come to more than one of these series, as the benefits from the work will continue to build and the 2015 programs are designed to be able to be taken as a series for the whole year if that suits your style.
Attending more than one program.
Consider attending more than one program and making this a year of growth, expansion and embracing life. You would then be opening yourself to a substantial process of self-development. Please call Peter on 0411 873 851 or email him to discuss your requirements. If you are prepared to undertake this three series of programs there is a significant discount. Click on the series to read the focus for that series.
Experiencing the method
These workshops will be useful for participants who would like to experience the psychodrama method and are considering further training in it in the future. A number of techniques and methods will be presented and participants will become familiar with them.
The group leader
Peter, the group leader will work with you and with the other group members to develop a great environment for learning, play, discussion and dialogue, imagination and rest. For more on him please check our his staff profile by clicking here.