Psychodrama Speciality Bookstore

This is a virtual bookstore run through Amazon which collects together all the principle texts available for sale in both Kindle and soft or hardcover.
These are the primary psychodrama text book in use training institutes in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. In preference to sending you to Amazon we are able to list them for sale right here. Many of them you may notice are available in Kindle. Amazon has some free Kindle Apps for both PC and Apple devices. We make a small percentage for any sales done here and over the years we may earn enough to pay for the coffee drunk while setting it all up.

This Amazon system is really designed for those wanting to build a niche market. While psychodrama is definitely a niche market it is not one that is easy to sell online as it is not made up of widgets and things. I hope you find value in these works. These links are primarily to the Kindle version of the books and they have hardcover and softcover versions available for many also.